Some of the unique quirks of Jim Parsons’ popular character Sheldon Cooper that fans of The Big Bang Theory strongly relate to.
Portrayed by the Emmy-winning actor Jim Parsons in The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper is specifically known for his intellectual genius along with his quirky preferences, such as having a rigid weekly meal plan, and his designated spot on the couch among many.
While such traits have contributed to the iconic and memorable character that Sheldon Cooper has become, some may find his behavior peculiar or eccentric. However, these might not be as unusual as they appear, especially since many fans have admitted to sharing similar habits with the Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist in The Big Bang Theory.
“You’re in my spot”
One of the many odd things about Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) in The Big Bang Theory has been his insistence on having a specific spot on the couch. The conversation regarding his sitting spot on the sofa is brought up on many occasions.
In one episode, he even goes on to explain a scientific analogy in regard to his spot, saying,
If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, that spot, at the moment I first sat on it, would be (0,0,0,0).
Not just his sitting spot on the couch, the character also has a tendency to have specific spots, such as his car parking spot as shown in The Parking Spot Escalation. These territorial tendencies are a defining quirk of his character, one that many fans find relatable.
“You’re in my spot,” one fan said in a Reddit discussion surrounding relatable quirks of Sheldon. “And the parking spot,” another fan chimed in adding that they have been quite particular about their parking spot for years.
Roommate Agreement
Sheldon loves creating detailed agreements. Beyond his infamous roommate agreement with Leonard and the countless amendments made to accommodate his relationships, Sheldon also formalizes his partnership with Amy through a relationship agreement.
What makes these agreements particularly peculiar are the hyper-specific clauses, such as rules governing bathroom usage, which he even references during Leonard’s relationship with Priya. However, having a formal roommate agreement is not very common in general, especially with such detailed stipulations.
Despite that, fans of the show have admitted to having their own roommate agreements, though not as extreme as Sheldon Cooper’s. “Roommate agreement, not a written… but definitely a verbal agreement for sharing of responsibilities, dos and don’ts, etc,” one fan noted on Reddit.
Many others also discussed how most of the terms in the agreement align with common courtesies for shared living spaces. “Looks good to me bc I wouldn’t want to share space [with] anyone who didn’t do these things,” another fan noted, pointing out that while Sheldon’s agreements are extreme, some of the principles behind them make sense.
Sheldon’s knocking ritual
It might be hard to imagine that someone might have the same tendencies as Sheldon Cooper when it comes to his knocking habit. The theoretical physicist is known for his signature knock, three precise knocks on a door, each followed by calling the name of the person he’s addressing.
Stemmed from a childhood incident when he walked in on his parents, Sheldon is so committed to his habit that in The Habitation Configuration, he goes out of his way to finish the third set of knocks, even amid an argument.
Surprisingly, many fans have confessed to adopting their own version of Sheldon’s ritual. One fan humorously shared their version in a Reddit discussion, “I do his knock on every door now,” highlighting how Sheldon’s quirky habit has influenced their own behavior.
Sheldon’s rigid laundry schedule
Sheldon has a rigid schedule for almost everything, from his meal plan to even his bathroom breaks. One particularly fixed aspect of his routine is his Saturday laundry night, a commitment he takes very seriously and despises disrupting.
“Saturday is laundry night,” he reaffirms to Penny in The Panty Piñata Polarization. While his strict adherence to a laundry schedule might seem peculiar to some, many fans of The Big Bang Theory have admitted to sharing a similar habit.
Fans of The Big Bang Theory admitted having a similar laundry schedule, saying, “Saturday night is laundry night.” Many fans also noted how they find it deeply satisfying to stick to a specific laundry day, even admitting to feeling uneasy or anxious when they miss it.
Sheldon Cooper’s germophobia
Among many things that fans find most relatable to Sheldon Cooper one of them has been his germophobia. Throughout the sitcom, Sheldon avoids anything that can be germ-infested such as the public bus and sick people, except for Amy due to his relationship agreement.
While fans have noted some inconsistencies in his germophobic tendencies, Sheldon is consistently shown to go to great lengths to avoid infections. And one of the memorable examples of the same is in an episode titled, The Pancake Batter Anomaly.
When Penny mentions that everyone in her family got sick during their trip, he immediately distances himself from Penny and begins spraying Lysol throughout the room to protect himself from potential germs.
Interestingly, Sheldon isn’t alone in this quirk. Fans of the show have shared how much they relate to his germophobic tendencies. “Sheldon spraying lysol when Penny entered their apartment after telling that her family was sick the whole weekend,” one fan shared, noting his aversion to germs and obsession with hygiene are among the character traits they find most relatable.