Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 review – Sheldon creates a different kind of Frankenstein, while Mary gets her bottom scorched

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 review – Sheldon creates a different kind of Frankenstein, while Mary gets her bottom scorched

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 is here, and fans are ready to go on an exclusive adventure with the Coopers again. Things have started getting more interesting this season, with the last episode clarifying one of The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon’s biggest mystery cum conflict – George’s cheating scandal.

As it turned out to be none other than Mary in costume. This week, in A Frankenstein’s Monster and a Crazy Church Guy, Brenda and Billy Sparks return, while Missy has her first beer and Sheldon creates a sort of Frankenstein with his new friends.

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 story

In Episode 5, Sheldon tries his hand at building a new kind of computer program with his new roommates Evan and Joaquin to crash the stock market. While the primary motivation of his friends remains getting fast cars and many girls, Sheldon is tempted to give up part of his own student loan sock money to purchase a particle accelerator, which would cost a few billion to acquire “conservatively”.
As for Missy, unable to watch TV at her home, as Mary is watching the show of a creepy, sleazy salesman cum Church preacher, goes over to Billy’s. As we see Billy for the first time, his mom is away to a relative’s place, and the house is all to himself. Missy being Missy, suggests throwing a party. Brenda herself is on board with the plan via phone, her only wish being Billy enjoy his life for once, and spare others the sight of his dance.

Mary faces a test of faith in her own way. When captivated by the words of the questionable TV persona Preacher Lemon, she makes a donation of $50, hoping for the promised prosperity in return. As a result, she rejects Pastor Jeff’s offer to come back to Church, which the latter did on George’s request. After all, giving a week’s worth of grocery money away to a sleazy individual will never sit right with anybody.

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 review

When the computer program designed by Sheldon, Evan, and Joaquin gains autonomy and starts trading on its own, giving them higher income, they start counting their chickens before they are hatched. But Sheldon is not so easily swayed by money, further reinforced in this instance. When the algorithm begins gaining a modicum of autonomy on its own, the three compare it to a Frankenstein-like creation.

As for Sheldon, he ends up feeding it a question about the universe that really slows it down. To avoid losing all the money they had gained, the three throw the computer out of the window, committing the same crime as Mary Shelley’s protagonist did. But hey, at least Sheldon has learned to share space and time with people, along with a valuable lesson.
Mary learns her own set of lessons in this episode. A firm believer in cosmic signs, Mary believes that she is doing the right thing by refusing to go back to her own local Medford Church and following Preacher Lemon.

But God truly works in his own mysterious ways, from getting pink eye thanks to a flying shot of crow poop while praying, to breaking her toe, to getting her bottom scorched by a firecracker from next door. Things only get better for her after she finds her place back in faith and community, without relying on false signs either in humans or nature.

Poor Missy and Billy get neither Georgie, nor Mandy, or any random strangers near the liquor store to buy them beer, till they realize that Billy looks old enough to pass off as a man. But she pays the price dearly the following morning while puking her innards out in their old Church’s donation plate, while their family was being warmly welcomed.
A shocked Mary looks on, while Meemaw scuttles away from the stench of beer and party snacks. The episode highlighted the kindness and confidence blooming in Missy, along with a set of bad decisions she will make in her life, to line it up with The Big Bang Theory. But since the show has redeemed George, maybe Missy has a chance after all.

Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 5 verdict

Episode 5 of Young Sheldon Season 7 should definitely not be missed as things are just getting good for both the viewers and the Cooper family. Sheldon’s friendship skills, Missy’s coming-of-age, George and Mandy’s parenting, Mary and George’s marriage, and Meemaw’s life, all will be evolving and growing in further episodes, with Episode 5 serving as one of the foundational ones.

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