You Won’t Believe The Connection Between Robert Pattinson’s “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” Characters

NGL, this will be on my mind for the next 2 weeks.

Robert Pattinson’s efforts in impacting pop culture haven’t gone unnoticed. The Batman actor is most known for bringing Edward Cullen to life in the Twilight saga’s film franchise, and before that, he played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Honestly, the fact that he’s in two of the most successful film adaptations is an impressive feat that solidified his status as an icon.

Robert recently graced the cover of GQ in a vampire-inspired get-up, and let’s just say Twihards were thrilled. He also did an interview for the magazine’s YouTube channel where he broke down some of his iconic movie roles, from The Batman to Good Time. Of course, R Patz gave us the content we all deserve when he acknowledged Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen actually have something in common.

“It was definitely my concept to jump out of the tree at the beginning of my intro [in Harry Potter], which I then kind of repeated later on in Twilight,” the 35-year-old actor explained. “For some reason, I always have a suggestion to be like, ‘Why doesn’t he just appear just jumping out of a tree?'”

He also joked that Cedric being the first death in the Harry Potter movies was his “claim to fame,” but then went on to describe that he went for the role of Edward in Twilight once he ran out of money from his role in the HP movie and developed an “absolute terror of auditions.”

“I do think there’s something in that first movie,” he said of the Twilight saga. “You can see that people were taking it seriously… and it has this passion to it.”

Twilight praise from Robert? We simply love to see it. Check out his full breakdown of some of his movie characters below.

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