Why Shaun & Lea Calling Their Daughter Maddie Was Perfect For The Good Doctor’s Finale

Shaun Honored Glassman in Several Ways By Making This Choice

Naming his daughter after Glassman’s was one way that Shaun honored Glassman’s memory rather than continuing to remain angry about Glassman’s death.

Shaun struggled with accepting Glassman’s prognosis throughout the finale, even threatening to cut off Glassman permanently if Glassman did not agree to accept experimental treatment that might extend his life long enough to find a more permanent solution. However, the ending demonstrated that Shaun had come to terms with Glassman’s death. Naming his daughter after Glassman’s was one way that Shaun honored Glassman’s memory rather than continuing to remain angry about Glassman’s death. Additionally, naming Maddie after Glassman’s daughter showed that Shaun considered the original Maddie the sister he never had the opportunity to meet.

Glassman blames himself for Maddie’s death because he had kicked her out of the house until she sobered up on the day she overdosed, and he struggled with those feelings throughot the rest of his life despite the positive influence he had on Shaun. Shaun naming his daughter after Maddie at the end of The Good Doctor was a poignant display of Shaun’s love for Glassman, his grief over Glassman’s death, and his willingness to move forward in his life as the series drew to a close

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