Why is SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 4 getting a new way of fighting, and what does it mean for the characters?

Why is SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 4 getting a new way of fighting, and what does it mean for the characters?
Based on what we’ve had a chance to see so far this season, you could argue that the powers that be here are really just doing their job of planting a bunch of seeds. They’ve gone out of their way to give us a chance to learn a little more about these characters. With some of them (like Ray), we’ve gotten a glimpse of what their lives might be like on the other side of Bravo. Whether they get there, of course, remains to be seen. We know that there are still some dangerous missions ahead.

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Does Bravo still fit into the current way the military operates? That seems like one of the more interesting questions the show is looking at at the moment, and we’re hoping for a pretty clear answer. We know that in many ways, Bravo Team is clearly on its way out. That’s been made clear throughout pretty much the entire story arc that we’ve had the chance to watch. They have a lot of physical and mental barriers that they’re still trying to overcome, and it’s not something that they’re going to get rid of anytime soon.

Meanwhile, you’re also adding some new and potentially explosive forces to the mix—take Drew, for example, who’s ambitious but clearly has his own demons. If there’s one thing we’ve definitely learned after watching this show for so many years, it’s that these demons often show up at the worst possible times for most people.

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