Why ‘Ghosts’ Season 4 Skipped a Crucial Part of Jay’s Story – And Why Fans Are Annoyed!

Jay is often at a disadvantage in Ghosts, being the only one not able to communicate with the spirits that share Woodstone Manor with him and Sam. Ghosts season 4 teased Jay’s ability to see the ghosts, but this turned out to be temporary in the two-part Christmas special. Jay is often left waiting for Sam to recap long conversations that he can’t hear. If anything, Jay is perturbed by how often his relatives seem to fall in love with ghosts, like Bela’s relationship with Trevor, or Hetty’s date with Sunil, Jay’s cousin.

Ghosts season 4 had an opportunity to give Jay a more substantial storyline, but instead it was glossed over in favor of following the shenanigans of the ghosts in CBS’ Ghosts. In underserving Jay, Ghosts is also wasting Bela’s potential. Largely off-screen, Jay has been preparing to fulfill his dream of opening his own restaurant. Ghosts should have spent some time showing Jay and other living humans preparing to open his restaurant, Mahesh.

Ghosts Season 4 Didn’t Show Jay’s Recruitment Process For Mahesh

Most Of Jay’s Preparations For Mahesh Happened Off-Screen

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