Why Emperor Palpatine Needs His Own Star Wars Comic

Why Emperor Palpatine Needs His Own Star Wars Comic

Emperor Palpatine is at the center of the Star Wars galaxy, master to Darth Vader, and the Sith Lord deserves a comic book series of his own.

Split: Tala Durith (Indira Varma) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) in Star Wars

Nothing beats a good dark lord. Whether it is Sauron or Skeletor, these shadowy powers provide menace and danger in spades. But Darth Sidious, better known to the galaxy as Emperor Palpatine, is one of the most iconic. He orchestrated the downfall of Anakin Skywalker. He near single-handedly took over the galaxy. He even ushered in the fall of the Jedi order. Emperor Palpatine has all this under his belt. Yet he still doesn’t have his own comic. It is time then for this Emperor to strike back.

Emperor Palpatine first appeared in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. But the true scope of his character wouldn’t be revealed for many years. In his early appearances, Palpatine was the archetypal dark lord. He was mysterious and aloof. His presence was felt rather than seen. As time went on, this would begin to change. Palpatine would emerge more throughout the Prequel Trilogy. His influence would metastasize through the galactic senate. Meanwhile, he would manipulate the Separatists in his guise as Darth Sidious. The once mysterious Emperor Palpatine would slowly lose his well-earned mystique over the following decades. Palpatine has now appeared in TV shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, books like Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars: Thrawn and a huge number of comic books. His Imperial Majesty uplifted these titles with his presence. But he has now reached a crossroads. He is no longer mysterious enough to remain in the shadows. Yet his story is still too inscrutable to be fully enjoyed. A Palpatine comic would change that.

Palpatine is a character played by Darth Sidious. A comic series could shed light on who he really is behind the mask. Marvel Comics’ Star Wars run has already proved transformative for the franchise. Darth Vader is a standout example. The Marvel Comics have developed his character far beyond anything seen in the movies or various television series. Darth Vader’s comic book evolution could serve as a template on which to build a Palpatine series. Comic books are well suited for this kind of character development. Unlike films and television they are capable of exploring their point of view character’s thoughts as well as actions. Fans have seen Palpatine take many actions. They have seen him swirl about with a lightsaber and unleash storms of Force Lightning. But Palpatine’s deeper thoughts and motivations remain obscure. Placing him at the center of his own comic series could reveal his deeper personality.

A Palpatine comic would be a great way of introducing other new characters. The Marvel Comics have already introduced fans to a number of now iconic Star Wars characters. Doctor Aphra is a fan-favorite. Black Krrsantan’s live action appearance in The Book of Boba Fett is further evidence of the comics’ impact. This proves the comics’ ability to develop and launch iconic Star Wars characters. Palpatine’s journey as a politician, a Sith and an emperor takes him across the entire galaxy. Bringing him into contact with fascinating characters from every level of Star Wars society. His own series could springboard these characters to Star Wars stardom.
Exploring Palpatine’s relationships would lend weight to existing characters. Darth Vader is an obvious example. But Palpatine’s perspective would also enhance Luke Skywalker’s journey. The same is true for Padmé Amidala. The former queen worked closely with Palpatine along his rise to power. In some instances she was instrumental in facilitating it. Following Palpatine’s point of view of these events would have the effect of adding complexity to Padmé’s development. She is a strong and competent character. Documenting her overcoming the naivety of her past would ultimately render her a more fully rounded individual.

The serialized nature of comics is perfect for exploring concepts that aren’t well suited to film. Some fans complained about the Prequel Trilogy’s focus on galactic politics. Political intrigue is complex. Because of this it doesn’t fit easily into a film’s run time. Star Wars: The Clone Wars proved that longer form media is more suited to exploring these complexities. Comics are the same. Putting Palpatine in the comic book spotlight would spread the political machinations that made him across a number of issues. The comics could then explore his actions more deeply without skimping on the action.
Palpatine is one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all time. His journey is the perfect tool to explore the world of the Sith from their own perspective, and in more detail. Darth Vader is also an iconic Sith. One who has had his own comic book series. But Darth Vader is still isolated from the Sith. He was a Jedi almost as long as he was a Sith. Meanwhile, Palpatine and his own master, Darth Plagueis, only ever wielded the ways of the Sith. Focussing on Palpatine would lift the curtain on the Dark Sid order. Palpatine could expose the Sith’s culture, history and inner workings to readers.

Star Wars: Darth Vader 2015 #6 (by Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larroca, Edgar Delgado, VC’s Joe Caramagna and Adi Granov) provides a glimpse behind this curtain. Here Darth Vader meets Doctor Cylo and his squad of technological terrors. It transpires that Palpatine has tasked Doctor Cylo with creating a list of potential replacements for his apprentice. This may be Darth Vader’s story. But Palpatine steals the show when Vader learns that he commissioned these replacements twenty years ago. Palpatine’s appearance here shows that his story is too complex and compelling to remain limited to other characters’ stories.

A Palpatine comic would illuminate his role in the Empire itself. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine took power as the Galactic Emperor. Yet Palpatine’s actual role in governance remains underdeveloped despite his role as undisputed autocrat. His dealings with Doctor Cylo indicate that he instead spent his time focussing on his role as Dark Lord of the Sith. His army of viziers, advisors and Moffs appeared to take on the brunt of Imperial governance. Exploring the intricacies of Imperial rule would add considerably to the Star Wars mythos. Palpatine as a character would benefit from the exposure of his leadership style. As well as the ways in which he balanced his duties as Dark Lord with those of Emperor.

Emperor Palpatine is one of the all-time great villains. He showcases some of the best that Star Wars has to offer. His centrality to the franchise underpins almost everything else. His wicked intellect, awesome dark power and cackling malevolence have certainly earned him the chance to take the lead for once. Palpatine proves that he is the darkest of Dark Lords of the Sith, and the Star Wars comics are undoubtedly the best place for him to show off his talents.

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