Fans everywhere know that no one’s safe when they hang out with the folks at Firehouse 51. But the death of pediatric nurse Anna Turner (Charlotte Sullivan) during Season 5 of “Chicago Fire” is one of the saddest One Chicago Universe deaths simply because it’s one death the ragtag group of firemen couldn’t prevent.
Anna is a leukemia patient who meets Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) after he donates bone marrow to her. Kelly is screened as a favor to his doctor friend Jeff Clarke (Jeff Hephner) but ends up having to put off the transplant after a work injury. Ultimately, he undergoes the procedure. After the surgery, Anna’s health improves somewhat. She and Kelly begin to date, and she moves into the dwelling he shares with Gabriela Dawson (Monica Raymund) and Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) during Episode 11, “Who Lives and Who Dies.” They seem well-suited, and Kelly tries to talk Anna into staying in Chicago. Even though she isn’t entirely comfortable living there, they thrive. But when Kelly’s alcoholic father appears, she breaks up with him, fearing he’ll end up like his dad.
He seeks her out and learns that her leukemia has become terminal — she’d tried to leave him before the disease devastated her. He sticks by her instead. In “Carry Me,” Episode 20, Anna’s deteriorating health worsens. She dies, and Kelly barely makes it in time to say goodbye, providing the show with one of Kelly’s most heartbreaking moments on the show. It was a marked contrast to many of the show’s other deaths, which often occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, but was no less sad for its inevitability.
The strength of their romance put them at No. 13 in Looper’s ranking of “Chicago Fire” relationships, and Anna’s passing remains one of the One Chicago world’s best-remembered deaths. But Anna lives on, in a way, as the actress who played her continues to pick up steam.
Anna Turner’s legacy carries on in the One Chicago world – and Charlotte Sullivan has continued to add to her resume since Chicago Fire
After Anna Turner’s passing, Kelly Severide moves on with Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo), eventually marrying her. But he never entirely forgets Anna. In Season 6’s “Looking for a Lifeline,” Kelly travels to Springfield to visit the Anna Turner Wing, obviously named in her memory. It turns out that Kelly may or may not have had something to do with this designation. He also brings up Anna when Violet Mikami (Hanako Greensmith) is in deep mourning for Evan Hawkins (Jack Nicholas) after his sudden, heartbreaking death in Season 11.
As for Charlotte Sullivan, her career has stayed on the upswing since Anna’s tragic tale played out. She’s been in the business since she was a child, putting in memorable supporting work in the films “How to Deal” and “Harriet the Spy.” Her adult roles include Gail Peck on “Chicago Blue,” Gina Cappelletti on “Law & Order: Organized Crime” and an appearance in “Pretty Hard Cases.” She’s shown up in the television films “12 Pups of Christmas,” “Mr. Write,” and “Two for the Win,” as well as guesting on “FBI,” “So Help Me Todd,” and “Wynonna Earp.” Her star’s definitely on the rise — and she’ll always be memorable for her turn as Anna.