Virgin River season 6: Alexandra Breckenridge (Mel) interrupts production in spite of herself and shares her misadventure

Virgin River season 6: Alexandra Breckenridge (Mel) interrupts production in spite of herself and shares her misadventure

Virgin River fans hope to be able to discover season 6 of their favorite series in the coming months. But we must not let the recent misadventures of Alexandra Breckenridge who plays Mel happen again…

Season 6 of Virgin River seems to have been delayed a little. And Alexandra Breckenridge is partly responsible! The actress who plays Mel in the series available on Netflix explained the reason on her Instagram account and it is original to say the least! “I was locked in the chicken coop today,” writes Alexandra Breckenridge on the social network. “I screamed and screamed for help. Now we know that we can’t hear me in our house,” we can read as a caption of a video. The actress even (gently) takes it out on her husband: “The door closed behind me. I yelled for you [Casey] – and you know what, I even called out to a man who was driving by on his golf cart, and he didn’t stop!” “He didn’t even look at me when I was yelling at him. What’s wrong with people? Who is this person? What an idiot!” the actress fumes. Following this inconvenience, the family decided to install a mechanism inside so they could get out. Because of this mishap, the actress explains that she was late for an appointment related to Virgin River: the recording of her voice for additional scenes, the filming having finished. Nothing too serious fortunately!

Virgin River: Season 6 is a long time coming
Let’s be reassured: one of Netflix’s most popular series should be back in the coming months with its sixth season, although production has been interrupted several times for various reasons. Filming began at the end of February 2024, but the release date for season 6 has not yet been announced. “It’s going to be a great season. I think you’re going to like it a lot, I hope so,” promised Alexandra Breckenridge. The Netflix boss had recently hinted that Mel and Jack could return at the end of 2024 and not in 2025 as previously thought.

Virgin River: Fans give their theories on season 6
Martin Henderson, aka Jack Sheridan, recently shared a selfie while working in the recording booth, proof that the wait should soon be over. In the meantime, fans are theorizing about what the rest of Mel and Jack’s adventures have in store. The Big Day, Brothers and Sisters… The titles revealed by the production concerning the future episodes have fueled the wildest speculations… The release of season 6 will allow us to discover who the happy newlyweds will be! Alexandra Breckenridge asks fans to calm down, after her comment that is hard to get through

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