Twilight’s TV Remake Can Finally Improve 1 Storyline That The Books & Movies Failed

The upcoming Twilight TV remake is the best chance to improve one specific storyline that both the books and the movies failed. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer shared her own version of vampires and werewolves in her debut novel Twilight, introducing readers to vampire Edward Cullen and mortal Bella Swan, whose romance became the focus of the series. Twilight was the first entry in a series of four novels, chronicling the many ups and downs in the often toxic relationship of Bella and Edward and introducing various characters connected to them, both allies and enemies.

The popularity of the Twilight novels led to their film adaptation between 2008 and 2012, with the fourth novel split into two movies. Although the Twilight Saga was mostly loyal to the books, it also repeated some of their mistakes. This was evident in the movie’s portrayal of Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and his fellow shapeshifters from the Quileute wolf pack, but their story and other details about them can now be fixed and improved in the Twilight TV remake.

Twilight’s TV Remake Can Give The Wolf Pack The Attention The Books & Movies Didn’t

Twilight Eclipse Jacob Bella

Jacob, a member of the Quileute tribe, is descended from an ancient line of “shapeshifters”, and as such, he can take the form of a werewolf.

Because being a vampire and a mortal and falling in love with each other wasn’t already a problem for Edward and Bella, the Twilight novels added a love triangle to the mix with Jacob Black. Jacob is the son of Billy Black, an old friend of Bella’s father, Charlie, and she was one of the first friends Bella made when she arrived in Forks. It was through him that Bella got the suspicion that Edward was a vampire, and while she got to know Edward better, Jacob developed a secret crush on her.

Jacob had a small role in Twilight, but he became a bigger character in the subsequent novels. New Moon was key in Jacob Black’s story and character development as it revealed that Jacob, a member of the Quileute tribe, is descended from an ancient line of “shapeshifters”, and as such, he can take the form of a werewolf. It was also in New Moon when Jacob and Bella grew closer and his romantic feelings for her began to create conflict. In addition to that, New Moon also introduced the rest of the Quileute pack.

Despite their heavy presence throughout the books and the Twilight Saga , neither properly explored the story of the pack.

Jacob and the pack helped Edward and Bella face a group of newborn vampires in Eclipse and in Breaking Dawn they teamed up with the Cullens and their allies to go against the Volturi to protect Bella and Edward’s daughter, Renesmee, though that final battle never actually happened. Despite their heavy presence throughout the books and the Twilight Saga, neither properly explored the story of the pack, becoming one of the most underdeveloped parts of the novels and saga.

The Remake’s Animated Format Is Perfect For Adding More Wolf Pack Scenes

Twilight Leah Clearwater human and wolf

The animated format can actually be quite beneficial to the remake, as it gives more creative freedom than the live-action movies.

The announcement of a Twilight remake was already controversial as many believed it didn’t need to be remade, and it was even more controversial when it was revealed to be an animated TV show. However, the animated format can actually be quite beneficial to the remake, as it gives more creative freedom than the live-action movies. The Twilight universe is a fantasy one, and the saga didn’t fully succeed in bringing most of its most important elements to life. Things like the vampires’ physical appearance (which got progressively worse) and the terrible CGI baby Renesmee didn’t look good in live-action, but they can work in an animated format.

An animated format for the Twilight animated series makes it easier for it to cover some of the most extravagant elements from the novels, such as the wolf pack and their transformations.

All scenes involving the wolf pack were also a problem in the Twilight Saga, with the size of the wolves being inconsistent and the transformations not looking believable even with all the CGI. An animated format for the Twilight animated series makes it easier for it to cover some of the most extravagant elements from the novels, such as the wolf pack and their transformations as described by Meyer. Being a TV series also gives the Twilight remake a bigger chance to explore other stories aside from Edward and Bella’s more deeply, and Jacob and the wolf pack should be one of those.

Lionsgate’s Twilight Show Can Improve Jacob’s Character By Expanding The Wolf Story

Jacob (Taylor Lautner) with Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) in Breaking Dawn

Despite his connection to Edward and Bella, especially to the latter, Jacob’s story was only told from Bella’s perspective.

One of the characters that the Twilight Saga failed the most was Jacob Black. Despite his connection to Edward and Bella, especially to the latter, his story was only told from Bella’s perspective and thus that of the love triangle, even when there was a bigger chance to explo

re his story. In Breaking Dawn, Jacob was the protagonist of, arguably, the most controversial storyline in the Twilight series: his imprinting on Renesmee. Again this was only explored from Bella’s perspective, and there should have been a lot more to it.

Having more of the wolf pack in the Twilight animated series means more Jacob Black, and as the one member of the pack directly linked to the series’ main characters, he would get a bigger chance to get some needed character development and his story explored in more detail. There are many things that the Twilight remake can fix and improve from the books and movies, and Jacob and the wolf pack should be a priority.

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