Twilight’s TV Remake Can Do Justice To 1 Forgotten Book (& Improve The Story)

The upcoming Twilight TV remake is the perfect chance to do justice to one forgotten book from the saga that would improve Bella and Edward’s story. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer shared her unique vision of vampires and werewolves in her debut novel Twilight, the first entry in what would become a series of four books. The success of the Twilight book series led to its adaptation to film, which made the Twilight phenomenon even bigger, but it was also a controversial movie saga. Now, over a decade after the release of Breaking Dawn – Part 2, Twilight is being remade as a TV series.

After many rumors about a Twilight reboot, either as a remake or a new adaptation of the books, Lionsgate Television announced a TV series based on Meyers’ Twilight novels, which was later revealed to be an animated show. The Twilight TV remake is in the early stages of development, so it’s unclear how it will cover the novels and if it will cover all of them, but even if it just adapts the first book, the show is the best opportunity to do justice to one forgotten book from the series.

Twilight’s TV Remake Can Explore Parts Of Midnight Sun
Twilight’s TV Series Is Midnight Sun’s Best Chance Of An Adaptation
The Twilight book series is formed by Twilight, NewMoon, Eclipse, and BreakingDawn, which tell Bella and Edward’s story from the moment they met and all the way to their marriage, parenthood, and Bella’s transformation into a vampire. However, Meyers didn’t stop there, and she wrote additional material to the main Twilight saga. First was the novella The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, published in 2010, which told the story of newborn vampire Bree Tanner, introduced in Eclipse. Next was Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined, a gender-swapped retelling of Twilight, published in 2015.

In 2020, Meyers finally published Midnight Sun, which she had been working on since 2008 but stopped after 12 chapters from the unfinished manuscript were leaked. Midnight Sun is also complimentary to the main saga, but it stands out as it’s Twilight told from Edward’s perspective, while the original novel is told from Bella’s point of view. As mentioned above, it’s unknown how much the Twilight TV remake will cover, though it’s expected that it will cover the four novels across different seasons, but even if it just focuses on Twilight, it can also use Midnight Sun to fill in some gaps.

How The Midnight Sun Novel Improved Twilight
Midnight Sun Filled In Some Gaps In Twilight
Despite being a retelling of Twilight with a different narrator who went through the same stuff Bella told in the original novel, Midnight Sun brought new stuff to the saga that improved Twilight, even if slightly. Simply seeing the events of Twilight from Edward’s perspective helped fans understand him and his relationship with Bella a lot better, and it also filled in some gaps from the first novel. Midnight Sun offered a lot more insight into Alice’s powers thanks to Edward’s ability to read minds, and thanks to this, he also knew how his absence would affect Bella, as later seen in New Moon.

Midnight Sun also explored what Edward did when he disappeared early on in Twilight after his first encounter with Bella, where he caught her scent and awoke his “animal side”. After considering killing Bella and their classmates to leave no witnesses, Edward decided to leave Forks for a while. Midnight Sun revealed he went to the Denali National Park in Alaska to stay with the Denali clan for a while. Midnight Sun also answered the question of what Edward did while watching Bella sleep, revealing he spent the night killing spiders to protect Bella.

Perhaps most important is the reveal that Edward always knew Bella would become a vampire. Thanks to his powers, he had easy access to Alice’s visions, where he saw different outcomes: one where he killed Bella, another where he left her, and another one where she became a vampire. This explained why he questioned every decision since their relationship began, as they could be one step closer to fulfilling that future.

Twilight’s TV Remake’s Animated Format Makes It Easier To Cover Midnight Sun
The Animated Format Of The Twilight TV Show Has Many Advantages
Covering the parts of Midnight Sun that complement Twilight would require different settings and, in some cases, other characters, which can be a lot easier to achieve in an animated format. Exploring Edward’s thoughts is also easier in an animated format, allowing the series to go deeper into his mind and feelings, helping the audience understand his and Bella’s connection a lot better. Using Midnight Sun in the Twilight TV remake can help it avoid many plot holes and questions, which will be beneficial if the series goes on to cover the rest of the novels.

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