Twilight Theory: Edward Wasn’t Faithful to Bella – and It Nearly Killed Him

Twilight Theory: Edward Wasn’t Faithful to Bella – and It Nearly Killed Him

One fan theory suggests that Edward Cullen may have been unfaithful to Bella Swan during The Twilight Saga. But is there any truth to it?

Some things never really disappear from pop culture, which is why The Twilight Saga remains relevant to this day. And because of its unyielding popularity, fan theories are still prevalent and popping up all over the internet. In fact, one particular theory, posted by Wattpad user i_do_parodies, even poses the idea that Edward Cullen cheated on Bella, which caused him to leave her in New Moon. And while the theory seems a little far-fetched, it uses some concrete evidence that could potentially support it.

When Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, it’s because Bella gets hurt when she’s almost killed by Jasper at her own birthday party. But this theory suggests Edward leaves Bella because he’s in love with Jane and decides he wants to be with her.The theory claims that Edward spent his entire time away from Forks with the Volturi, having been lying to everyone about his true whereabouts. This aspect of the theory holds little ground, though, because Alice, having the ability to see the future, can easily see where Edward is. But the idea that Edward could’ve been in love with Jane isn’t entirely unfounded. Edward has known about the Volturi, and Jane, for as long as he’s known Carlisle since Carlisle had spent some years among them. It’s possible that Edward could have had feelings for Jane based on their long history of knowing one another.

However, when taking a closer look, it’s highly unlikely that Edward would have ever fallen in love with Jane. Though Edward had a brief period of killing morally unjust humans and feeding on them, he no longer feeds from humans and would prefer to get along with them on equal terms. Jane fundamentally disagrees with that, as do most other vampires. There’s a reason her eyes are red — the Volturi frequently feed on the tourists that visit their city. It would be difficult for Edward to be in love with someone who thinks killing humans is not only fun but a way of life.The fan theory also suggests that Edward tries to walk into the sun in New Moon because he is so stressed out about cheating on Bella with Jane. And when Edward realizes he loves Bella more, Jane reacts by using her pain technique on Edward out of spite. But while this is an interesting spin on the events of the story, it holds no real foundation. It’s firmly established that Edward is the type of person who acts on what he wants, even sometimes aggressively. So, if he was stressed about cheating on Bella, his actions would be more decisive.

So, while the idea of Edward and Jane could be interesting to explore, it holds no real evidence from the current storyline. Edward is obsessed with Bella to a fault. He even makes a point of saying, in the books at least, that he had never experienced real love before and believed he never would. If he had a romantic entanglement with Jane, those words would’ve been a lie and did away with an internal part of The Twilight Saga’s story.

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