Twilight Saga: 9 Memes That Prove Edward Was Right For Bella

The Twilight Saga worked its way into fans’ hearts and gained a lot of popularity over the years. These films are highly loved by fans, and each fan definitely has their own opinion on the love story. While some fans are happy that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen ended up together, other fans were disappointed in Bella’s choice, believing that Jacob Black was a better for her.

Bella Waited For Him
Perhaps the true sign that proves that Edward and Bella were meant to be during the second film, Twilight: New Moon. Edward, though he left Bella, was only leaving her because he was trying to protect her. After his brother tried to attack Bella, he thought the best thing for Bella would be to leave her out of their lives as vampires. However, Bella waited for him, and although she spent time with Jacob Black and friends from school, there was never a moment she wasn’t thinking about Edward. The time that passed while Edward was gone had no impact on her feelings for him or his feelings for her.

He Always Defended Her
Edward Cullen knew that falling in love with a human was definitely going to be complicated, for himself, his family, and Bella as well. Although he knew it was a tricky and potentially dangerous situation, he never doubted his love for Bella and defended his love for her and their relationship to his family when they were skeptical. His defensiveness over his relationship and Bella as a person was proof enough that he was right for Bella, as he was willing to risk his family’s safety and a number of other issues in order to be with her.

He Handled Charlie’s Doubts
Edward Cullen was incredibly patient with Bella’s father. From the beginning of his relationship with Bella, Charlie Swan was definitely uneasy about the idea of Bella and Edward together. Charlie, in the movie, even made a point to remind Bella about her pepper spray before their first date, which of course, Edward heard. Edward handled Charlie’s doubts about him with ease and patience and was always respectful and mature to Bella’s father, which proved the obstacles he was willing to conquer in order to be with Bella Swan, putting his own hurt feelings aside.

He Treated Bella Like Family
Even before Bella was accepted by the rest of the Cullen clan, Edward treated her like she was part of them, making Bella feel incredibly comfortable given the fact that she was constantly surrounded by a group of vampires who weren’t too pleased that she was around. around.

He Wanted The Best Life For Her
Edward Cullen made it very clear to Bella Swan that he had his hesitations about life as an immortal vampire. Although, he was grateful for his family, Edward did believe that he was not living a pure life, and was not worthy of a happy afterlife. Edward didn’t want the same for Bella and wanted to put her best interest before his own. Of course, it would have been ideal for him to change Bella and have her live with him forever, but the fact that he was willing to stay with her even as she grew old and eventually left him, was a testament to how strongly he cared for her!

They Challenged Each Other
One of the main reasons fans believe that Edward Cullen and Bella Swan worked so well as a couple was because they challenged one another in a way that they couldn’t have with anyone else. Edward was constantly challenging Bella, opening her mind to new ideas and outlooks on life. Bella, too, challenging Edward immensely. The biggest way she challenged him, was, of course, that fact that he couldn’t read her mind. This makes Bella desirable to Edward, but more than that, proves that this connection between them was destined to be.

They Were Undeniably In Love
A connection that Bella Swan never had with Jacob Black, was their intimacy. Although she cared deeply for Jacob, on a level that was more than Platonic, when it came down to it, her connection with Edward was definitely more intense, proving that he was the right choice for her. This funny meme shows that hilariously and is something that all fans, whether “Team Edward” or not, can agree with. The connection between Edward and Bella was more involved than any other connection she had with any other characters in the series.

Jacob Imprinted
The final sign that Edward was the right choice for Bella was when Jacob imprinted. Although Jacob imprinting on Bella and Edward’s daughter seemed odd to fans, it proved that Edward and Bella were meant to be, and Jacob was simply not meant for Bella.

He Waited For Her
As all devoted fans know, Edward waited hundreds of years before finding Bella Swan. This loneliness proves that Edward was meant to be with Bella, considering how long he had been waiting to find his true love. The fact that Edward had come into contact with countless women before Bella, that he easily could have pursued, but didn’t, proves how special Bella was to him, and how much they were supposed to be together.

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