Twilight Saga: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Cullen Family

Twilight Saga: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Cullen Family

Thanks to the recent resurgence of Twilight, fans have been revisiting the iconic film series, and coming up with some hilarious memes as a result.

The Twilight Saga has produced some incredible memes that mean its popularity has never waned, even 14 years after the first film was released. While the stars have gone on to star in some top Hollywood movies, Robert Pattinson in The Batman and Kristen Stewart in Diana, respectfully, they are still responsible for helping to create some of the funniest memes on the web, some of which include Twilight’s beloved Cullen family.

Rosalie At Family Meetings
When they first met, Rosalie didn’t hide the fact that she didn’t like Bella. From their first interaction, it was clear that Rosalie had no intention of welcoming Bella to the family like the rest of the Cullens.

Given that the Cullens had several meetings about Bella, her safety, and the general bigger picture difficulties she’s brought to the family, it’s funny to imagine how these meetings went when Rosalie had such a strong dislike towards her. Perhaps this specific meme is a dramatic example, but Rosalie must have suggested some pretty dramatic solutions at some point.

Carlisle’s Past Life
Carlisle has spoken briefly about how lonely his life was before he grew his family. Edward was the first one to join Carlisle’s family, and it’s easy to imagine how delighted Carlisle was to finally have some around.

The screencap taken from Parks and Recreation shows a hilarious imagining of what it would have looked like in the hospital, with Edward dying of the Spanish Flu and Carlisle already knowing he was going to save him. It might have been a traumatic time for Edward, but at least he got an eternal family out of it.

The Siblings Vs Edward
Since their meeting, Edward has always had a difficult time staying away from Bella. The two are soulmates which explains why they can’t stay away from each other.

It does, however, lead fans to think of some pretty funny situations. In this one, using a well-known moment from Friends, imagines Edward confessing his love for Bella as his siblings try to convince him to put some distance between them. Of course, in typical Edward fashion, he wouldn’t listen at all, despite them having his best interests at heart.

Edward’s Regular Breakdowns
Edward was always moodier than his siblings. Maybe it comes from living in the rainiest place on Earth, or the eternal damnation, but either way he concentrated to have his emotions unchecked, at least in comparison to the rest of the Cullen family.

Jasper’s Hunger​​​​​
Jasper is the newest addition to the Cullen clan, and it’s obvious that he struggled more than the others when it came to adjusting to vampire life. Despite being the newest, he is still decades older than Bella, but has yet to get his hunger under control.

Emmett, The Peacekeeper
At first read/watch of the series, Emmett is an underrated character, seemingly existing in the background. However, fans have since noted that he’s actually crucial to the structure of the Cullen family.

Jasper And Bella
Jasper and Bella eventually became good friends in the series, mostly after Bella became a vampire and was no longer appetizing to Jasper, but they had a few near misses at the beginning of their friendship.

The Family Split
Being a vampire is highly romanticized in novels and movies and Twilight is no exception. However, there’s a clear split in the Cullen family, with certain members being happier than others about their immortal lives.

Alice’s Busy Day
Alice, the most likable Twilight character, is also the thrill seeker of the family, no doubt. She’s been a fan of Bella since their first interaction, with many fans believing this is because she can see Bella’s future and her importance to the family.

Regardless, the day the two of them spent together in New Moon is one for the history books. Alice and Bella ended up having one of the best friendships out of everyone in the Cullen family, and their adventure to Italy was the beginning of their adrenaline-filled, heart-warming sisterhood.

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