Twilight Saga: 8 Memes Fans Of The Cullen Family Will Love

The Twilight Saga gathered many fans over the years, and most fans can say without a doubt that they love the entire Cullen family. This powerful clan of vampires worked their way into fan’s hearts with their kindness and generosity for Bella Swan and proved themselves loyal and wonderful characters.

This family of vampires had their great moments, whether they were being funny or fighting a destructive vampire, they were always doing good and defending their loved ones. Keep reading to see 10 memes that any fan of the Cullen family will love!

Before Edward Met Bella
This hilarious meme shows what life was like for the Cullen family before they gained all of their family members. Carlisle, who changed Esme, and then changed Edward, slowly started creating their family one by one. This funny meme shows what life was like for Edward before his siblings and Bella came along. Fans can only wonder what life was like as Edward was a constant third wheel to Carlisle and Esme. This laughable meme is one that all dedicated fans will understand. Thankfully the rest of the Cullen family came together not too long after.

Carlisle And Esme’s Cover-Ups
This funny meme points out the hilarity in the Cullen’s constant cover-ups. The Cullen clan, who are forced to relocate every so often, move to a new location to start their lives over again. As all fans know, the siblings attend a different high school, and Carlisle works as a doctor. This plan works in theory, but this hilarious meme shows the funny side to their plans of disguise since this couple looks incredibly young, as well as their beautiful, adopted children look incredibly old. Regardless, their plan seems to always work!

The Constant Pretending
This funny meme explains the Cullen family’s struggling to pretend to be human. As Bella learns in Twilight: Breaking Dawn, the lengths that vampires have to go to pretend to be humans are actually quite extreme. Constantly having to move their shoulders up and down to give the illusion that they’re breathing, having to fidget, cross their legs, and more mannerisms were actually a challenge for Bella to recreate. This hilarious meme shows how far the Cullens had to go, joking about Esme pulling out the couches when human company comes to the Cullen’s house.

Carlisle And Esme’s Adorable Parenting
Although Carlisle and Esme Cullen aren’t the biological parents of their children, they certainly act the part and are incredibly supportive and always lead the family in the right direction. The love that Carlisle and Esme have for their children is so sweet, and the way they welcome Bella into their clan is only one reason fans love these parents so much.

The Kardashians
This hilarious meme pokes fun at the Kardashians and compares the Cullen family to this iconic reality TV family. The Cullens are definitely different from this famous family, although their good looks and different personalities are similar to these reality stars. The fact that they are immortal, are all dating and each other, and definitely find themselves in a lot of dramatic situations would actually make for some great reality TV. This meme, with a perfect photo of the Cullen clan standing together makes this meme that much more hilarious. Dedicated fans of the Cullen family will definitely find this meme amusing!

Bella’s Birthday Party
This laughable meme is the perfect representation of all the Cullen’s reactions to the famous scene during Bella’s birthday celebration at the Cullen’s house. During a scene in Twilight: New Moon, Bella cut her finger while unwrapping a present, and unable to control his thirst, Jasper tried attacking Bella, causing her to get thrown into the wall by Edward who was trying to protect her. Although his attempt to help wasn’t successful since Bella just got even more hurt, and was bleeding more than before. This dramatic scene is what caused Edward to leave Bella in that film, and is reflected in this meme so well.

Constant Third-Wheeling
Edward Cullen was a third wheel for hundreds of years, and fans of the Cullen family will definitely find that a little heartbreaking, but this meme makes thinking of him alone among his siblings and parents who are coupled up, sort of hilarious. Edward was a third wheel ever since Carlisle created him. Having to deal with Carlisle and Esme, and then his siblings, this family probably feels so sorry for poor Edward. At least he finally got his happy ending with Bella, which the Cullen family was definitely incredibly happy about.

Their Reactions To Bella
The first time Edward brought Bella over to his family’s house was definitely entertaining, thanks to the Cullens. The Cullens each made the awkward situation in their own ways and this meme definitely reflects that.

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