Twilight Saga: 7 Scenes That Make Fans Cringe

Rewatching the Twilight films as an adult, fans tend to notice that the once romantic and comical moments are actually cringe-worthy. When involved in the frenzy of the world of vampires, werewolves and forbidden love, fans may overlook a lot of details.

While the Twilight saga was a big moment for a lot of people’s teenage lives, you can’t help but now flinch at some of the bad dialogue and outbursts of emotions. Take for example Bella (Kristen Stewart) screaming, “Kiss Me!” unconvincingly. So how about a trip down memory lane and question ten scenes that make fans go “eesh” and giggle at its absurdity?

Every Single Kiss Scene
It’s best to get this out of the way from the start. Fans can’t deny that even back then a majority of the kiss scenes weren’t convincing in the slightest. For some reason, fans couldn’t look away. Maybe it was the hesitant and stiff kisses between Bella and Edward (Robert Pattinson). Maybe it was Edward’s expression of being in pain trying to restrain himself.

The scenes between Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Bella weren’t the best of the best either. While Team Jacob fans rejoiced at the impossible finally happening, there was still some awkwardness that is undeniable.

“I’m Quil Ateara”
Even if this was the shortest moment in the film, it was one of the most awkward ones where fans couldn’t help but laugh. In New Moon when Bella and Jacob rekindle their friendship, they get a visit from two pack members. This was the first time Quil (Tyson Houseman) and Embry (Kiowa Gordon) met the famous Bella Swan.

This is Quil’s misfire of trying to look cool and enchant Bella for the first time. He says, “I’m Quil Ateara” in a very affirmative voice. To make things worse, there is a palpable pause after he says it as he looks at Bella with an intense stare.

The Fight With Charlie
In the scene where Bella has to start a fight with Charlie (Billy Burke) in order to protect him from James (Cam Gigandet), it gets a bit cringy. Throughout the fight, there is unexplainable tension and awkwardness that viewers can’t get past.

Maybe it’s because Bella isn’t good at acting when she first “breaks up” with Edward at the door. She also stumbles her words at trying to give an explanation to Charlie and uses the reason of why her mother left in the first place. The scene makes most viewers “eesh” at how cringy it was but also how hurtful it was towards Charlie.

Bella Punching Jacob
While the kiss between Jacob and Bella is also uncomfortable, the sucker punch Bella “tries” to hit Jacob with also makes horrified onlookers grimace. Bella is a mere human while Jacob is strong and sturdy with wolf abilities. This means he can’t be punched by just any human, including Bella.

The moment Bella punches Jacob and is met with a solid wall, it makes viewers suck in a breath at how it looked on screen. Fans also let out a laugh. Jacob’s reaction to moving back and forth as she tries to register the pain also makes fans scrunch up their nose in distaste.

Jessica and Emmett’s Speech
Most wedding speeches can be awkward, but Jessica’s (Anna Kendrick) took the whole cake. From the start, audiences knew that Jessica was jealous of Bella and for nabbing Edward Cullen. She starts by saying, “Edward is all about Bella” and continues to berate her for not being volleyball captain or president of the student council.

Not to mention Emmett (Kellan Lutz) made a bad speech about Bella hopefully getting enough sleep the past 18 years because she won’t be getting any more. Sadly, everyone took it as a sexual innuendo instead of referring to being a vampire.

“You Can’t Leave Me!”
Even though the scene where Bella begs Edward to stay is cute, it also makes fans grimace. Bella wakes up in a hospital room after the events with James. Edward expressed his guilt and regret for getting Bella involved. Bella has an outburst begging him to not leave her.

It was the way Bella reacted that had fans cringe. She spoke almost as if she was holding her breath or in immense pain. It was followed by a shaky and awkward kiss on the forehead. Fun fact, the kiss comes full circle when Edward kisses Bella’s forehead when she is presumed dead in the second to last film.

Edward Looking Revolted By Bella
No one can forget the iconic scene in Twilight when Edward covers his mouth and nose when Bella walks into biology class. While the scene is comical, it’s also noted as the most memorable awkward scene. Edward’s reaction to her smell hitting him is incredibly abrupt.

Edward also turns rigid and his eyes get wide. His reaction is as if she swam in a dumpster. He can barely utter a word to Bella much less pass her a small container. Trying to act coy, Bella sniffs her hair to see if she truly is the cause of his reaction. Instead of turning away, Edward continues to give her a death stare through the remainder of the class. The scene would make any die-hard fan cringe.

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