Twilight Saga: 10 “Team Edward” Memes Fans Will Love

The Twilight Saga created some incredible stories and characters, which fans grew to love and admire in many ways. Devoted fans know how important each character in the series was to the storyline, and many fans have chosen a favorite.

While some fans love the idea of Bella Swan and Jacob Black as a couple, many fans don’t. The biggest debate among fans of the series is whether Bella should have ended up with Edward or not. However, “Team Edward” fans are confident that Bella chose right. Keep reading to see 10 memes that “Team Edward” fans will absolutely love.

Always Taking The Blame
One thing that made fans love Edward Cullen so much, was his selflessness. Edward was always thinking about others, whether it was Bella Swan or his family, it was always important to him that everyone in his life stay safe. Whenever something was to go wrong or something negative was to happen, Edward was always first to take the blame.

Subtle Sass
Although fans of Edward Cullen know that he often took the high road, there was one instance in the series that he definitely didn’t. During all the Jacob Black drama, Edward was almost always mature about the situation and never seemed to let himself lose control or do anything spiteful. Edward Jacob.

Breaking The Law
This funny tweet shows a hilarious version of Edward’s outlook on being in a relationship with a human. Edward, who was under the rule of the Volturi, knew that it was against the rules to mingle with a human, or shared the secrets of his family’s immortality with another human, however, he did so regardless of any rule.

His Desire For Bella
The first movie in the Twilight Saga, Twilight, shows viewers exactly how hard it is for Edward Cullen to control himself around Bella Swan. Fans were able to see the first day he met Bella in science class and had to control himself immensely.

His Skin
Every fan knows that one of the most amusing parts of the entire Twilight Saga, was when Edward decided that he needed to show Bella Swan what he really looked like. As devoted fans remember, he showed Bella his skin in the sunlight, which sparkled like diamonds and was actually quite beautiful, according to Bella.

This Iconic Moment
One of the most iconic moments in the first movie of the series, Twilight, was when Edward first saw, or smelled rather, Bella Swan. This moment, all fans know, went down in history as the famous moment that Edward Cullen was completely repulsed by Bella.

His Eavesdropping
Every Twilight fan knows that vampires have incredibly good hearing, and Edward Cullen especially, can hear people’s thoughts. This meme, which touches on a moment in the first movie, Twilight, is seriously hilarious. The scene, which shows Mike asking Bella to the dance, which she quickly rejects his offer, simply because she’s distracted by Edward.

Awkward Jealousy
One trait that fans admire about Edward Cullen, was his ability to stay calm, unlike Jacob Black who seemed to have a hard time controlling his temper, especially when it came to jealousy. Edward was especially good at handling feelings of jealousy and was quite good at staying composed since he definitely had to deal with many different people interested in Bella.

His Music Taste
This funny meme points out Edward Cullen’s taste for classical music. One of the most loved scenes in the Twilight Saga is from the first movie, Twilight. In this movie, the first time Bella Swan visits the Cullen’s house is definitely memorable for all fans.

His Nighttime Visits
Part of Edward Cullen’s charm was definitely his devotion. “Team Edward” fans know that one of his displays of this devotion was watching Bella sleep and protecting her while she did. Vampires, which fans quickly learned don’t sleep, was the perfect excuse for Edward to begin sneaking into Bella’s room to watch her sleep.

This ritual became one that Edward and Bella loved, and fans definitely appreciated the sweet gestures from Edward as he always climbed up Bella’s window to spend the night with her. These adorable moments made “Team Edward” fans swoon, and this funny meme proves that.

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