Twilight Saga: 10 Jasper Memes Fans Will Love

Twilight Saga: 10 Jasper Memes Fans Will Love

Twi-hards who love Jasper will appreciate these hilarious memes about the scarred and mysterious Hale twin.

The Twilight Saga has always been super popular, but it seems that even Taylor Swift was heavily invested in the series, so much so that she requested for and was denied a cameo in New Moon. With the aptly labeled “Twilight Renaissance,” fans have started paying more attention to characters other than Edward and Bella – like Jasper Hale.

The angsty vampire was the strong and silent type, much like Edward himself, so it’s natural that he has a massive fanbase of his own. Twi-hards who love Jasper would appreciate these hilarious memes about the scarred and mysterious Hale twin.

Jasper’s Snick-Snack
Both book lovers and movie watchers will know that Jasper had a good heart, but impulse control problems which he wasn’t able to master like the rest of his adopted vampire brethren.

Still, Jasper’s fandom accepts their one true favorite for all of his strengths and flaws. He was a loyal family member, whose main focus was Alice. He protected his own, knew how to fight, but also had a penchant for snacking on the Cullens’ beloved human Bella.

Jasper, The Murderous
Twilight fans who read Midnight Sun got better insight into Edward’s mind when he first met Bella, but they also got to see many behind-the-scenes workings of the Cullen household as they debated what to do when Bella was on the verge of discovering their secret.secret.

Funnily enough, Jasper had a bone to pick with Bella from the beginning, and both he and Rosalie wanted her to be killed, which was quite funny to think about in retrospect. It was almost as if his arc with her was foreshadowed right at the start.

Misunderstood Jasper

Jasper’s attack on Bella because of her miniscule paper cut is widely memed, and Twi-hards have hilarious takes on what actually happened during that fated birthday party when he lunged at Bella.

Amusingly enough, some imagine that Jasper was only angry at Bella for cutting herself because he had newly washed the rug, and she ruined it with blood, which is notoriously hard to get out. To each their own!

Alice And Jasper’s Moment
Eclipserevealed a lot more about Alice and Jasper’s relationship, especially in this adorable scene of the two of them fighting to demonstrate to the wolves. Fans that loved Alice was a true equal to Jasper, unlike the others, and their chemistry just spilled into their interaction.

The moment that Jasper went in for the kiss with Alice had viewers hooked, especially when Alice evaded him, only to kiss him a moment later, but only after defeating him in their play fight.

Waiting On Bella To Slip Up
True fans of the broody vampire would know that Jasper struggled well beyond being a newborn, so he was quite relieved when a new Cullen was entering the fray because then he wouldn’t be the only one tussling bloodlust.

Jalice Chemistry
Alice and Jasper were extremely loved as a couple because of how much Jasper didted on her — the two of them literally completed each other and had found each other in the most mystical of ways.

This was why fans collectively melted down when they got to see a taste of Jalice romance, as opposed to the constant Edward and Bella love that Twilight was made of. The fact that the wolves, there to learn combat, had to go through the embarrassment of watching Jasper and Alice being mushy.

Jasper Getting Duped
In addition to being extremely swift, Jasper was also a sharp vampire. His power of detecting moods made him keen to what other people were feeling, so it was hard for anyone to outsmart him.

Still, Bella was one of the few people, not even a vampire, who gave him the slip at the airport in Twilight when he and Alice attempted to fly her out from Phoenix for her safety. Poor Jasper was left looking and feeling rather silly that he couldn’t keep Bella in check despite all of his abilities. It shows fans that he was not invulnerable.

The One Who Looks Like He’s In Pain
Poor Jasper did struggle a lot with his bloodlust in Twilight, and the bombardment of teenage emotions at Forks High School didn’t help. This was probably why he looked so awkward and in pain, and fans have meme-d his behavior to the ends of the internet.

Underestimated Jasper
Jasper fans would all agree that his gift of interpreting and manipulating emotions was extremely underestimated through the series, with only Edward and Alice being praised for their powers. Later, even Bella and Renesmee were appreciated for their powers, despite Jasper’s being a lot more significant than theirs.

Yes, Ma’am
This meme may not make sense to casual Twilight watchers, but fans of Alice’s boyfriend will understand just how impactful the simple word “ma’am” in a Southern accent was to them, and it made countless more fans fall in love with Jasper.

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