Twilight Saga: 10 Emmett Memes Fans Will Love

One of the most beloved side characters in the Twilight series is Emmett Cullen and these hilarious memes prove just how important he is to fans.

The Twilight franchise has been immensely popular ever since it was released. So, it makes sense that fans have their favorite characters. And in many cases, fans don’t prefer Edward and Bella, but instead pay more attention to supporting characters.

One of the most beloved side characters of the Twilight series is Emmett Cullen, Edward’s adopted brother who was with Rosalie. Emmett is, in many ways, different from his siblings, and he isn’t as tortured and gloomy as Edward could be. Considering his relaxed and funny personality, it’s no wonder that Emmett fans have made a lot of hilarious memes about the strong vampire.

A Lack of Motivation
One of the things that the fans like about Emmett is that he’s so supportive toward other people, Bella included. That’s more than can be said about Rosalie, who hated Bella at first. But even Emmett doesn’t always know how to help Bella.

So when she’s feeling less than motivated, Emmett is quick to point it out to Edward, as this meme posted by Matthew Williams shows. At the same time, Emmett’s also wise enough to know when he should step back and just let others handle the situation.

A Dangerous Experiment
Emmett has always been a cheerful guy, unless the situation was dire, then even he grew serious. This scene never happened, but it’s easy to imagine that if anyone could make such a joke, it’d be Emmett, even if it meant Edward would want to kill his brother afterwards.

In this meme, posted on Reddit by Leo_18Rock, Emmett wants to pose a seemingly innocent question, but in the end, he scares Edward to death.

A Supportive Brother
Unlike Rosalie, who takes a long time to warm up toward Bella, Emmett is supportive of the relationship between Bella and Edward. Even he seems relieved once Bella becomes a vampire, though.

It also gives them a chance to share some more interests, since Bella is no longer as fragile as she was as human. In this meme, posted by Elena Ramirez, Bella mentions punching a werewolf in the face – and Emmett wholeheartedly approves, like his fans expect he would.

Raising Vampire Kids Is Hard
Even though neither Emmett nor his siblings are teenagers, they can still behave that way, especially Emmett, who comes across as the type of person who likes to have fun and just chill with his siblings.

This, no doubt, makes Emmett fun to be around, but it could make their adoptive parents worry for their children or just be exasperated with them. In this meme, Emmett’s relaxed attitude toward life comes across very well and it’s easy to imagine something like this could indeed happen.

Jealousy In The Family
No two vampires have the same special talent. Alice can see glimpses of the future, while Edward can read thoughts. Throughout the books, they use their respective powers to communicate without words. And while Emmett seems okay with it, this meme, posted on Reddit, suggests that Emmett might not have been so happy about it after all.

Emmett comes across as a social person and being so often left out of the conversation could have been hard on him under different circumstances, not to mention the typical sibling rivalry even the Cullens experience.

The Best Couple
The Twilight series talks a lot about couples, even though Bella and Edward naturally get more space than others. However, a lot of fans like the relationship between Rosalie and Emmett even more. They fit together well, Emmett helps Rosalie with her worst impulses, and they’re very much in love.

All fans of the couple will remember how Rosalie found and carried Emmett to safety when he was injured by a bear and she asked Carlisle to change him since she worried she wouldn’t be able to do it. Their love story is so inspiring that according to this meme, posted by Emma, it’s enough to make some fans scream in delight.

It’s All About Size
With vampirism comes a lot of useful perks in the world of Twilight. Some of them include longevity, extreme speed – and extreme strength, as well. Emmett is the type of vampire who enjoys his strength and everything he can do with it.

This is why he was so eager to compete with Bella after she changed into a vampire. In this meme, posted by Greybeard55, Emmett shows that he can be quite competitive even with Rosalie but Emmett’s fans wouldn’t want it any other way.

Emmett Approves (Rosalie Does Not)
As it’s been said already that Emmett didn’t mind his brother dating Bella, but Rosalie had a serious problem with it. Not only was she jealous of Bella, she also didn’t like Bella’s eagerness to give up her human life.

This meme, posted by a user called adventures-of-shannonbookworm, was captioned, “The Cullens seeing Edward falling in love with Bella,” and the expressions are spot on.

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