Twilight Saga: 10 Carlisle Cullen Memes Fans Will Love

The Twilight Saga gained tons of fans since its release, and many fans have found themselves a favorite character. One of the most popular characters from the series is definitely Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle, who was Edward Cullen’s “adopted” father, was incredibly loved by fans.

This character has been iconic in the series since he was the one who made Edward a vampire in the first place. Keep reading to see 10 memes any Carlisle Cullen fan will absolutely love!

Spanish Influenza
This hilarious meme plays on the fact that Carlisle Cullen changed Edward into a vampire after he was sick from the Spanish Influenza.

This meme is one that any fan of the series can relate to! Carlisle Cullen created the Cullen family, and they would never have existed as vampires if it weren’t for him. Any fan of the Twilight Saga will definitely find this meme amusing and accurate to the series!

When He Was Killed
This meme is one that every fan will find hilarious. Every devoted fan of the Twilight Saga remembers the moment in Breaking Dawn: Part 2 when Alice Cullen showed Aro what their future would hold if they fought.

This led to Carlisle being killed and this meme shows exactly how every single fan felt during that scene. This was one of the most iconic scenes in the series and any fan will find this meme amusing!

His Return To Forks
The funny meme shown here nods to the hilarity behind Carlisle Cullen and Esme returning to Forks with their family. Carlisle and Esme, as every fan knows, were returning to Forks disguised as adoptive parents to Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie.

This disguise would only last them so long, as people in the town would eventually notice that they had never aged. This meme jokes about their plan and any fan of this series will find it hilarious!

Carlisle Fighting Jasper
This laughable meme shows the moments from the iconic scene in Twilight: New Moon. The scene shows Bella’s birthday celebration at the Cullen’s house, which definitely makes a turn for the worst.

When Bella cut her finger opening a present, Jasper couldn’t control himself, leaving Carlisle and Emmett to fight to keep him restrained. This hilarious meme refers to that moment and any fan will find this one funny!

Proud Parents
Although Carlisle and Esme weren’t true parents to their “adopted” children, they definitely took on the role quite well. This funny meme nods to their support during their children’s repetitive high school graduations and is one that every fan will laugh at.

Over the years before meeting Bella Swan, Edward and his siblings went to hundreds of high schools, and this meme jokes about Carlisle’s support at every graduation ceremony!

Comparing Royals To The Cullen’s
This funny meme compares Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to Carlisle and Esme Cullen and is truly quite funny.

The meme comments on the fact that these two characters from the Twilight Saga are similar to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the funniest ways, simply because one of them is British, and they are walking in woods that look similar to Forks. This meme is definitely one that fans will find entertaining!

Esme Defending Carlisle
The meme shown here is a perfect testament to Carlisle and Esme Cullen’s relationship that any fan of Carlisle’s will definitely find rings true. Carlisle and Esme were incredibly in love, and this meme proves that hilariously.

What was more represented in the books than in the movies, was Esme’s defense of Carlisle to the Volturi. This is represented in this meme and is something that every single devoted fan of the Twilight Saga will find laughable!

Carlisle’s Likability
Perhaps what fans loved the most about this Twilight Saga character, was the fact that it was impossible not to like him. Characters like Charlie Swan, who had his best friend Billy Black’s rivalry with the Cullen’s, still couldn’t keep himself from liking Carlisle. This meme portrays that hilarious dynamic perfectly and any fan will find it accurate to the story.

This meme shows that Charlie made his own decision to like Carlisle, simply because it was impossible not to!

Edward’s Concern
This meme shows the hilarity behind Carlisle’s calm composure when it came to Edward’s extreme concern that Bella was in fact dead instead of going through her transition into a vampire in Breaking Dawn: Part 1. This hilarious meme shows Carlisle’s reaction to trying to calm Edward’s concerns in a way that any fan will find amusing.

As any devoted fan remembers, the morphine that was given to Bella during the birth of her daughter, caused her body to be incredibly still during her transformation, leaving Edward to think something was wrong!

Dr. Cullen
This meme points out the fact that Dr. Cullen, although a skilled doctor, often uses his status as a vampire to turn his dying patients into immortals.

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