Twilight: Jacob’s 10 Most Cringeworthy Quotes

Twilight: Jacob’s 10 Most Cringeworthy Quotes

While Jacob Black was a great and prominent character in The Twilight Saga, he certainly had his fair share of very cringeworthy quotes in the series!

With all of Taylor Lautner’s engagement hype and wedding list speculations, it’s impossible not to reminisce about one of his most iconic and successful roles: The Twilight Saga’s Jacob Black.

“Where The H*** Have You Been Loca?”
Although this line has now become a hilarious and popular meme, Jacob’s quote from New Moon also undoubtedly stands as one of his most cringe-worthy lines.

“It Was Nessie Who Wanted Me There.”
There are many things about Bella and Jacob’s relationship that make no sense, the top of which is their uncomfortable future after Jacob imprints on Bella’s newborn daughter in Breaking Dawn.

“Maybe I’ll Get Myself Killed And Make It Simple For You.”
Even though Edward and Bella were problematic as a couple – as evidenced by the many memes that sum up their relationship – credit can be given to the two for always trying to be selfless and put one another first.

“I Am Hotter Than You.”
Jacob Black may have many redeeming factors that posit him as a worthy suitor for Bella, but his overconfidence is certainly not one of them.

“Faster If You Took Your Clothes Off.”
While there are some things only book fans will know about Edward’s rivalry with Jacob, the film series does a fairly apt job of depicting their ongoing tension and quips with each other.

“You Kill Her, You Kill Me!”
By being fairly kind and supportive towards Bella and the Cullens in Breaking Dawn Part 1, Jacob almost manages to finish the film without any major cringe moments.
Unfortunately, his imprinting on Renesmee ruins that streak with one of his worst quotes in the series since this line solidifies the uncomfortable and fresh bond he shares with the newborn. Plus, the intensity with which he states it only adds to the cringe-giving and awkward revelation.

“Or Don’t You Care About My Safety?”
Although the two started off very sweet with loads of potential as lovers, eventually the relationship between Bella and Jacob made fans cringe plenty of times.
A large contributing factor to this was how desperately Jacob wanted Bella to prioritize him, and Bella’s constant refusal to do so. This quote captures that uncomfortable aspect of their dynamic well, with Jacob coming off as a relentless “pick me” who refuses to take a hint or even accept no as an answer.

“Want Me To Put You In The Hospital?”
Jacob’s change in personality comes suddenly in the second installment of the series, happening not after he first shifts but right as he begins his transition into his new supernatural identity.
This line from the iconic movie theater scene in New Moon makes audiences cringe largely due to how overly aggressive Jake is in that moment, going against the cute and shy character fans and Bella admires. Not to mention how poor Mike reacts to the random and serious threat, making viewers cringe even further.

“Should I Start Calling You Dad?”
While the Team Edward vs. Team Jacob rivalry defined the Twilight fandom, it still embodies the overdone fantasy trope of love triangles that fans have seen enough of.
Of course, the resolution of all their tensions was infinitely worse, with Jacob moving on to Renesmee. This quote from the final film is one of his most cringe-worthy as not only does it remind viewers of the problematic new dynamic between Edward, Bella, and Jacob, but it also cements the inappropriate and grooming nature of his relationship with their young daughter .

“Feel That? Flesh And Blood. And Warmth.”
Despite Jacob’s claims that he is the better choice for Bella, his actions (especially in Eclipse) at times really emphasize why he is not.

As a part of his monologue to Bella right before he forcibly kisses her, this quote is definitely his most cringe worthy one since it establishes his disregard for Bella’s consent and boundaries, instead prioritizing his own needs and feelings. Even the lines themselves are far from romantic and – when combined with him make her feel his chest – they evoke not pity or sympathy in viewers, but only tons of secondhand embarrassment.

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