For cast members such as Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, the Twilight Saga was just the breakout roles they needed for their careers in acting. Per a video posted by Nicki Swift, a user on YouTube a little more than a week ago, the Twilight Saga was not so forthcoming to the entire cast. In fact, there are a few actors and actresses who have come to regret their roles in the Twilight Saga as it killed their career.
Which careers did the Twilight Saga kill? Keep reading to find out.
Rachelle Lefevre
One could argue Rachelle Lefevre was a member of the Twilight cast who had her career ruined more so than any other member of the cast. After all, being fired in the middle of a franchise before you even get to your character’s big break-out role in the third installment of the saga is not something any actress wants to appear on her resume. Per E! News, this is exactly what happened to Rachelle Lefevre.
Due to scheduling conflicts, Summit made the decision to fire Lefevre and replace her with Bryce Dallas Howard during the third installment of the film. Lefevre accepted a small role in a short film called Barney’s Version, which had a 10-day scheduling overlap with Eclipse and Summit decided they were not willing to accommodate Rachelle and publicly fired her from the role.
In a public statement to E! News, Rachelle Lefevre admitted that she had turned down several other roles because of how committed she was to the Twilight Saga and never imagined Summit would be willing to fire her over a 10-day scheduling conflict. Rachelle has been able to snag a few roles since Twilight, including Off the Map and Under the Dome. Unfortunately, Lefevre has struggled to find a steady role since the Twilight Saga ruined her career.
Taylor Lautner
Many considered Taylor Lautner to be a star on the rise in Hollywood before he landed the role of werewolf Jacob Black in the Twilight Saga. Unfortunately, his role as a regular in the Twilight Saga killed his career before it ever really got started. Taylor got his chance to prove himself as an incredible actor in 2011 when he became the lead on the cast of a suspense film called Abduction. Per Box Office Mojo, the film had such disappointing box office numbers that it put a huge dent in his promising career. Other than a few supporting roles in Adam Sandler movies and a regular role in the series Scream Queens, Taylor’s career seems to have died when the Twilight Saga ended.
Kellan Lutz
Not only does the Twilight Saga appear to have ruined the career of Kellan Lutz, this is an actor who almost didn’t make it to the end of the franchise. According to Entertainment Weekly, Kellan Lutz came close to being cut from the final installment of the Twilight Saga because of his outrageous salary demands.
Following the Twilight Saga, Kellan Lutz snagged a role in The Legend of Hercules in 2014 which may have been when his career really took a turn for the worst. According to Box Office Mojo, the film had a budget of $70 million and only brought in $61 million. Meaning Kellan Lutz’s follow-up role after Twilight actually ended up costing the production company behind the film just shy of $10 million.
Rumor has it there may still be hope for the career of Lutz despite the damage the Twilight Saga has done. Per IGN, the film director of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is carefully considering Lutz as the star of the movie.
Despite the fact that the Twilight Saga may have ruined his career, he admitted during an interview with Metro that he would be willing to do another Twilight movie.
Watch the video below to see why YouTuber Nicki Swift believes the Twilight Saga also ruined the careers of Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Xavier Samuel, Alex Rice, and Jamie Campbell Bower as well.
Do you think the Twilight Saga ruined the careers of these actors and actresses? Share your thoughts on these Twilight cast members and whether or not you think the saga ruined their careers with us in the comments section found down below.