Twilight: 10 Wild Details Only True Fans Know About Jasper Cullen

Although he makes an appearance in all four books of the Twilight series, Jasper remains a mysterious figure throughout the series. Described by Jessica in the film franchise as the “one who looks like he is in pain,” Jasper is hard to figure out and is especially intriguing to Bella. However, he also poses the biggest threat to Bella because of his newness to “vegetarianism.”

1. Fought In The Civil War
One of the very first things readers learn about Jasper in Eclipse is his history in the Civil War. Even before his transition into being a vampire, Jasper still had experience fighting in an army. According to Twilight Wiki, Jasper first joined the Confederate Army before turning 17 by using his persuasion even in his human life. After serving for just two years, he was promoted to a major in the army; effectively becoming the youngest major in Texas.

2. Newest Vegetarian
Readers also find out early on in Twilight about Jasper’s struggle to join the “vegetarian” ways of the Cullen clan. Alice was the first one to introduce Jasper to this way of life. Jasper struggles the most with being around humans. Due to his violent newborn education and ways in which he interacted with humans for most of his time as a vampire, Jasper finds it difficult to deter his bloodlust.

3. Why He Was Created
As Jasper explains to Bella in Eclipse he had a more violent upbringing than his adoptive siblings. Jasper was created by Maria, a vampire who had just lost her territory and the rest of her coven to enemy vampires.

4. Influence Emotions
Much like other members of the Cullen clan, Jasper also has his own powers. In Twilight readers are told that Jasper has the ability to influence the emotions of those around him. Jasper mentions in Eclipse, “People always…liked me, listening to what I had to say. My father said it was charisma. Of course, now I know it was probably something more.” Edward also likens Jasper’s charisma as a human to his abilities as a vampire stating in his human life he was “able to influence those around him to see things his way.”

5. How He Met Alice
Jasper’s education took him through many journeys, but it eventually led him to Alice. While in Philadelphia, during a storm, Jasper took cover in a local diner, where he met Alice.

Due to her gift of seeing the future, she knew he was coming and shocked him when she walked over him as they had met before. After telling him he had kept her waiting a long time, he responded with, “I’m sorry ma’am.” Not only did Alice calm him, but she also brought him the feeling of hope. The two of them soon found Carlisle where they stayed for the remainder of their life together.

6. Born In Texas
Jasper didn’t always live in Forks with his adoptive family. According to Twilight Wiki, Jasper was born in Houston, Texas, in 1844. His real name is Jasper Whitlock.

For his short young adult life, Jasper stayed in Texas during which time he served in the Confederate Army against the Union. Jasper stayed in Texas while helping Maria create her newborn army. Nearly 100 years later, he decided to head up North. Jasper heard from a friend that vampires were able to co-exist in the Northern region, which made the move sound appealing to him. After leaving Maria, he will soon meet Alice.

7. Same Last Name As Rosalie
Although his original last name was Whitlock as a human, Jasper did not end up changing his name to Cullen when he and Alice joined their clan.

In order to not arouse suspicion, Jasper was given Rosalie’s last name of Hale. According to Twilight Wiki, the reason they were named the same was due to their similar features, Carlisle was the one to suggest this change. In that, they both had blond hair unlike the rest of the Cullens. Because of his and Alice’s relationship, she was given the last name Cullen. In keeping with the ruse, Rosalie and Jasper pose as twins throughout the entire of the series.

8. How He Got His Name
With the many different names that Stephenie Meyer had to come up with for the Twilight Saga, it is hard to imagine how she thought up that many. However, the author claims that this is one thing she puts the most time into researching.

9. Alice’s Influence
Twilight fans know that Jasper was the one who struggled the most with maintaining his bloodlust. In New Moon, Jasper nearly eliminates Bella after she gets a paper cut opening a present. In saying this, throughout the films, fans can see just how close the relationship between Alice and Jasper is. Due to this, Jackson Rathbone, who plays Jasper in the films, admits that if it wasn’t for Alice, he most likely would have taken out Bella.

10. Has Many Scars On His Arms
Jasper’s time creating a newborn army for Maria didn’t leave him unscathed. In Eclipse, Jasper displays the battle scars that were given to him by the many newborns that he tried to train.

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