Twilight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Jacob Black As A Character
Jacob Black was a central and complex character in the Twilight Saga – here are some memes that sum up his personality in the famous series!
Although Taylor Swift was denied a cameo in The Twilight Saga, there is another Taylor who skyrocketed his stardom status by starring in the popular series: Taylor Lautner. Lautner played Jacob Black, Bella’s childhood friend, and second love interest whose initial kindness and overall attractiveness formed Team Jacob to rival Team Edward.
While Jacob went on to have some problematic moments, he was still adored by much of the fandom for his redeeming moments and being a friend to Bella when she most needed it. His complex nature made him one of the series’ best characters, meaning there are plenty of memes that address his persona in the series.
Causing Chaos
Despite his good intentions, Jacob Black has a history of sticking his nose in Cullen vampire business and causing some trouble. Although he chalks it up to his care for Bella, his behavior can come off as unnecessary and drama-causing, as shown in this meme shared by Redditor lavenderp1nk.
When first introduced in Twilight, Jacob was the free-spirited and kind childhood friend with whom Bella hopes to bond given her being the new resident (and hence center of attention) of Forks.
Rashly Jumping To Conclusions
Jacob Black is not exactly shown to be the most level-headed and rational of characters in Twilight, becoming very short-tempered and rash after he joins the pack.
Conflicted Feelings
Bella and Jacob have a very tumultuous relationship, with both of them spending a lot of time confused about their feelings, what to do about them, or both.
This is especially true for Jacob in Eclipse when he struggles to reconcile his strong feelings for Bella with his disdain for her decision to be turned. This meme by @ForksVampireGirl accurately sums up his constant back-and-forth inner turmoil that his friends constantly tease him for.
Bella > Everyone
In what can be assumed is meant to show his yet immature and teenage manner of thinking, Jacob Black is shown to be very honed in and occupied only with all things related to Bella.
While it’s understands that a lot of this stems from his internal conflict about having feelings for Bella, it doesn’t negate the fact that Jacob tends to sideline his friends for her and place her on a higher pedestal than everyone else, as shown in this meme shared by Redditor warriorcat6.
If Jacob Had A Phone
While The Twilight Saga takes places before smartphones and texting had become all the rage, this meme shared by Redditor Ceinna_Mariesy envisions what Jacob texting Bella would look like.
There are many moments when Bella and Jacob made fans cringe, especially given that Jacob encapsulates a pick-me personality type, constantly vying for her attention and insisting that he’s better than the other monsters Bella loves. He is also undoubtedly the type to easily get offended by rejection and resort to ego-fueled anger, as shown in Eclipse when he finds out about Bella’s engagement.
Lack Of Regard For Bella’s Consent
Even though Jacob may truly care for and love Bella – and is considered as one of the best Twilight characters – he constantly puts his own feelings ahead of hers and disregards her boundaries in favor of coercing him into admitting his feelings for him.
(Not) Dealing With His Feelings
Although many of Twilight’s central characters don’t exactly exemplify what healthily coping with emotions looks like, Jacob Black is especially bad at doing so.
The Childhood Friend
Part of Jacob’s initial charm was the intimacy he shared with Bella as the childhood friend who used to make mud pies with her and that he understood and connected with her human life in a way Edward did not.
Jacob Pre-Transformation > Jacob Post-Transformation
While Jacob goes on to do some problematic things during the later parts of the series (including constantly berating Edward, pushing Bella to admit she loves him, and imprinting on their daughter – to name a few), he wasn’t always that way.
In fact, the Jacob of Twilight and the first half of New Moon is someone very wholesome, kindhearted, and gentle – a true friend to Bella who could have won her over with his patience and easy-going nature. As shown in this meme by @twilightrenaissance, long-haired Jacob was someone worthy of working for and fawning over, emphasizing his downward character development and who he could’ve been if Meyer didn’t destroy his character.