Twilight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Alice and Jasper’s Relationship

Twilight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Alice and Jasper’s Relationship

Alice and Jasper have one of the most admired and talked about relationships within The Twilight Saga – here are some memes that perfectly sum it up!

The recently released The Invitation proves that vampire tales are just as popular as ever they were during the era of the most notorious vampire series: The Twilight Saga. While many of the vampires in Twilight became fan favorites, one couple that especially won hearts was Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale.With their contrasting personalities, cute mannerisms, and adorably charming meet-cute story, it’s easy to see why they were so widely adored. . With the resurgence of love for the Twilight series both with old Twihards and newly recruited fans, Alice and Jasper are one of the series’ beloved couples that are back in the spotlight, with even more memes being made to showcase their extraordinary love and intriguing relationship .

Ignoring Jasper’s Truth
While there are many dividing unpopular opinions about Jasper Cullen, fans can unanimously agree on the fact that he being a part of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War is an extremely problematic trait that is not talked about enough, as shown by @HarriHorsley.

Especially when it comes to his relationship with Alice, whose overall inclusive and kind nature seems at odds with his past life. While Jasper shows remorse for his past and Alice accepts him for who he is relationship today, this aspect of them really highlights how many of Jasper’s red flags Alice was willing to ignore to fulfill a vision.

Defined By Alice
There are many quotes that prove Alice is the best character in Twilight and it’s no secret that she is one of the Cullens’ favorites, being doted on by her family who admires her bright and free spirit.

Jasper, while still loved by his family, is undoubtedly lower on their list, as highlighted in this meme posted by @twihard_people. Jasper’s existence is largely defined by him being Alice’s soulmate, a very telling aspect of their relationship and power dynamics.

Alice Before Jasper
When Jasper and Alice are together, they complement one another well, keeping each other balanced and calm as opposed to their otherwise strong and contrasting personalities.

While Jasper is a lot more intense, volatile, and introverted, Alice is a free-spirited and personable vampire who easily befriends whoever she meets, as shown in this post by Redditor I_late_sorry. Jasper subdues Alice’s loudness while Alice calms Jasper’s chaos, making their different personas a perfect match.

Jasper’s Keeper
Just as Jasper is largely defined by his existence as Alice’s partner, a large part of Alice’s identity also revolves around being Jasper’s mate. More specifically, being the sounding board that prevents him from losing control.

As showcased by @_smirti in this tweet about New Moon, Alice is constantly held for Jasper’s actions, being expected to keep him at bay and calm him down whenever things go awry. While the two have a mostly healthy and endearing relationship, Jasper’s public dependence on Alice is a large and slightly problematic issue for the couple.

Bringing Out Jasper’s Humor
Alice and Jasper are one of the best couples in Twilight, largely thanks to the ways in which they saved one another and helped each other adapt to the human world as gifted vampires with complex histories.

One of the greatest things in their relationship is how Alice brings out a more playful and open side of Jasper, as shown in this meme shared by Redditor Leo_18Rock. This Jasper is not shown to many people, emphasizing Alice’s positive impact on Jasper and how she makes him feel safe and happy in a way others do not.

Doing Their Own Thing
Jasper and Alice, while well integrated into the Cullen family, are prone to go off and do their own thing. In Twilight, they were the ones tasked with taking Bella far away from Forks, and in Breaking Dawn Part 2 – one of the highest ranking Twilight films – they embarked on a super secret mission without informing anyone.

While they have their reasons for often wandering away from their coven, they also seem to be off in their own world most of the time, more engrossed in each other than their surroundings, as shown by @aleakhaman.

As frequently established in the series and mentioned in memes, Jasper and Alice are polar opposites in their mood.

The Chemistry
Jasper and Alice’s relationship is remembered most vividly for their scenes in Eclipse. Not only does the third installment explore Jasper’s traumatic (and problematic) past, but it also emphasizes how much of a hand Alice had in reforming Jasper and giving him a second chance.

Girlboss And Malewife
Viewers of Twilight know that when it comes to Jasper and Alice, one of their greatest strengths as a couple is how they bend gender norms and re-visualize what power dynamics in a relationship can look like.

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