Twilight: 10 Facts Only Die-Hard Fans Know About The Saga

While the Twilight saga is wildly popular, only true, die-hard fans know these behind-the-scenes facts about the franchise. Take a look!

The Twilight saga has remained one of the most iconic and popular teen movie series of the 2000s. Even those who are no longer teens can easily find the simple joys in the movies. Although opinions on the fantasy franchise have always been quite divided, the success of the films is undeniable.

Due to the iconic nature of the saga, much about the production of the films is already common knowledge, as the movies have been around for many years already. However, there are a few facts that are not as well-known within the fanbase that are interesting to know.

Kristen Stewart Had To Wear Brown Contacts Throughout The Entirety Of Filming
The author of the Twilight book series, Stephanie Meyer, always had a specific vision for the characters and the series of events. When the plot idea came to her in the form of a dream, she wanted to honor every last aspect, even down to the smallest details.

Robert Pattinson Was Almost Fired Over His Conflicting Ideas About Edward
When it came to the interpretation of Edward Cullen as a character, Robert Pattinson and the producers differed in opinion. It became clear to the executives that Pattinson wanted to play the role in a very serious manner, and so they felt called to give him an ultimatum.

Jennifer Lawrence Auditioned For The Role Of Bella, Along With Several Other Stars
Although the first installment was considered an indie film at the time of release, the book series itself was very well-known, and so thousands of actors auditioned for the movie. Some fans may even be shocked to hear some of their favorite A-List celebrities auditioned for the part of Bella, as well.

Both Robert And His Sister Appeared On The Twilight Soundtrack

During the famous lunch scene seen in Twilight, Edward is making his first slow-motion appearance through the cafeteria doors. What some fans didn’t know was what Robert’s sister, Lizzy, was singing the song that played during that scene.

Taylor Lautner Had To Beef Up To Keep His Role
For a lot of fans, it’s hard to imagine Twilight without Taylor Lautner playing Jacob Black. However, producers were ready to replace him if he wasn’t able to get fit by the second movie. This opportunity was a good thing for Lautner, considering even some fans thought Jacob, as a character, just didn’t look right in the first Twilight movie compared to the book version.

Robert Fully Immersed Himself Into The Role With Method Acting
Although Pattinson is known for cracking jokes about Twilight’s silly nature, he actually took the role quite seriously back in the day. Due to his method acting approach, he even went as far as isolating himself for months before production began, according to MTV News, although, some fans wondered if that was really for the role or out of personal preference, knowing his introverted nature.

Producers Offered Kristen Additional Compensation To Not Cut Her Hair
When it was learned that Kristen wanted to cut her hair to resemble Joan Jett, who she was portraying in a film she was working on called The Runaways, the production team immediately begged her not to, and even bribed her, as reported by E! News. Unfortunately for the producers, Kristen was firm in her stance, as she wanted to take her next role seriously.

My Chemical Romance Turned Down The Opportunity To Make A Song For The New Moon Soundtrack
Back in 2009, there was talk by fans that My Chemical Romance would be the perfect and realistic pick for the New Moon soundtrack. However, it was reported by Digital Spy in an interview with MTV News that frontman Gerard Way denied this rumor, admitting that the band is picky when it comes to movie soundtracks they want to feature on.

Robert Took Boating Lessons For The Honeymoon Scenes In Breaking Dawn: Part 1
Robert outdoes himself every time, sort of. According to Pop Buzz, Pattinson was determined to take boating lessons in order to actually drive the boat in the honeymoon scenes of the film.

The Director Of Breaking Dawn: Part 2 Made The Actors Contribute To A Swear Jar
In efforts to keep the set PG for child star Mackenzie Foy (“Renesmee”), a “Swear Jar” system was implemented where any cast member had to make a monetary donation to the jar if heard saying any obscenities. Several of the Twilight stars confirmed that all donations went to the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, so at least something good came from the slip-ups.

When it came to Mackenzie’s jar, the older stars were the first to admit that they accidentally slipped up quite a few times. During a Yahoo! News interview, Kristen reveals that she believes Mackenzie made a total of a few thousand dollars.

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