TV’s Greatest Gangster: The Iconic Mob Boss Who Totally Sucked at His Job

The Sopranos broke lots of rules of the gangster genre when it premiered at the end of the 1990s and quickly earned a place among the greatest crime dramas of all time. Known for its brilliant writing, the show explored diverse topics, from politics and psychology, to philosophy and literature. It featured complex relationship dynamics and introduced several iconic characters that are still celebrated today. Of course, the most well-known character of The Sopanos is the New Jersey boss, Tony Soprano. Perfectly portrayed by James Gandolfini, the tough but tortured head of his family remains one of the most famous gangsters to ever appear on-screen. The “skipper” of the Jersey outfit, however, isn’t nearly as smart or skilled as he’s made out to be.

Tony Soprano may have had a pretty good run as boss during the six seasons of the HBO series, but that doesn’t mean he was always making the right decisions. Indeed, throughout The Sopranos, Tony faced numerous crises of his own making and survived more from luck than careful planning. He may be famous, but Tony Soprano was actually horrible at his job.

Tony Soprano Let Business Get Personal

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