Tom Selleck’s Blue Bloods’ Role Is Great, But I’m Sad One Jesse Stone Promise Wasn’t Fully Kept
Although I love Blue Bloods, I’m sad that one promise about Tom Selleck’s Jesse Stone series of movies wasn’t kept. For the past fourteen years, Selleck has starred on one of my favorite television dramas. Blue Bloods is a police procedural that is popular partially because it focuses on a family of cops rather than only on the case of the week. Despite continued high ratings, CBS has canceled the series and there are only a few episodes left of Blue Bloods before it leaves the airwaves permanently.
One potential silver lining to Blue Bloods ending is that Selleck may be able to return to the Jesse Stone series of movies. He has starred in nine Jesse Stone movies as a small-town sheriff who struggles with alcohol abuse and who focuses on work to keep himself sober. While these movies are also popular, the last one was made in 2015, the year after Blue Bloods premiered.
Tom Selleck Didn’t Want Blue Bloods To Get In The Way Of Jesse Stone Movies
The Star Wanted To Do Both Projects
Although it’s logical to assume that the Jesse Stone franchise ended because of Selleck’s involvement in Blue Bloods, the star himself was initially adamant that his new project not get in the way of his previous one. Shortly before Blue Bloods premiered in 2014, Selleck stated that he had been hesitant to agree to the project because he didn’t want it to interfere with Jesse Stone (via Metro). The final Jesse Stone movie aired in 2015, a year after Blue Bloods began. Even though Selleck talked about making a tenth Jesse Stone film afterward, he was unable to do so.
I’m disappointed that there hasn’t been a Jesse Stone movie in nearly a decade. Not only was this series well done and entertaining, but it demonstrated Selleck’s range as an actor. Jesse Stone is the opposite of Frank Reagan in many ways. While Frank is a respected Police Commissioner with a loving family in one of America’s largest cities, Jesse is a small-town sheriff and loner who has hurt his reputation because of his alcoholism. It would have been fascinating to see Selleck tackle both characters at once, possibly winning him new fans who were unaware of his abilities.
I’m Sad There Hasn’t Been A New Jesse Stone Movie In Years
Selleck Talked About A Tenth Film, But It Was Never Made
Ironically, the Jesse Stone movies almost suffered the same fate as Blue Bloods. The first eight movies were broadcast on CBS. However, after the eighth movie, Benefit of the Doubt, was made, CBS decided that the movies did not appeal to younger demographics enough and was unwilling to make a ninth movie. Thus, Selleck sold the script for Lost in Paradise to Hallmark, which broadcast the film on October 18, 2015 — exactly nine years before the final eight episodes of Blue Bloods began airing.
Selleck sold the script for Lost in Paradise to Hallmark, which broadcast the film on October 18, 2015 — exactly nine years before the final eight episodes of Blue Bloods began airing.
It’s been almost a decade since Lost in Paradise was made. Soon after the movie was made, Selleck talked about making another, but it never materialized. Instead, he worked exclusively on Blue Bloods for thirteen years while Jesse Stone fell by the wayside. This was disappointing, especially considering that Lost in Paradise did not feel like a satisfying conclusion to the series, and the fact that Selleck was hoping to make a 10th film demonstrates that the 2015 installment was not intended to be the final movie.
Although Jesse helping a fellow alcoholic get sober instead of continuing to abuse her daughter while drunk could be seen as character growth, the final scene of him sitting with his new dog, Steve, looking at the ocean suggested more to come rather than an end to the series. I would be disappointed if he never got to go on another adventure because the movie series didn’t continue, especially since Selleck had been working on the script for a 10th movie that hasn’t been made.