This Week, Blue Bloods Might Bring Back Everyone’s Favorite Detective

This Week, Blue Bloods Might Bring Back Everyone’s Favorite Detective

Jackie Curatola is seemingly returning in this week’s episode. Is it just another tease or will something finally happen with the notorious love triangle this time around?


– In Blue Bloods S14E6, Danny and Maria will investigate a voodoo-fueled murder case.
– According to the episode description, Baez’s old partner will join the case, but many fans also expect Jackie Curatola to return.
– With her third and final comeback, Jackie could help Danny and Maria admit their feelings for one another.

Some characters are forgotten as soon as they leave the screen. Others ominously stay around for seasons after their exit. Jackie Curatola definitely belongs to the latter group: even though she’s been away for the majority of Blue Bloods, only coming back around a couple of times in the last two seasons, fans are still eager to see more of her — and to see her and Danny finally move in or move on.

Jackie Curatola May Be Back This Week

Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 6 is called Shadowland. Why the edgy name, you may ask? In the upcoming episode, Danny Reagan and Maria Baez will take on a mysterious murder that’s seemingly rooted in dark magic — namely, voodoo. From the episode’s description, you can deduce a thing or two… Depending on your approach.

The description claims that Baez’s old partner will join the case to assist her and Danny, but that’s irrelevant. For one reason or another, many Blue Bloods fans decided that in S14E6, Jackie Curatola will return to also take part in the voodoo case. The description doesn’t mention it, but the faith is strong. What could it mean?

Jackie’s Return Could Help Danny Grow

The battle between Jackie and Maria fans has not died off even seasons later as each group wants their candidate to end up with Danny Reagan. It’s been way too long to milk this antagonism further; and most importantly, Season 14 is the finale of Blue Bloods, meaning that Danny’s unfortunate love life must receive a resolution.

Jackie Curatola’s previous two appearances seemingly hinted at his feelings toward Maria Baez. With her third and last appearance — after all, all old Blue Bloods stars will likely appear in the final season — Jackie could finally help Danny make a decision… Or make a move. It doesn’t even matter much who of his two partners he ends up embracing as long as this storyline is resolved and they are all happy.

In Shadowland or not, Jackie Curatola will come back, and we’re hoping that the long-anticipated and well-deserved happy ending will come around alongside her.

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