This “Queen Charlotte” Filming Mistake Between Brimsley and Reynolds Made It Into the Final Cut

And made us fall in love with the couple even more.

While Netflix’s Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story centers around the marriage of the Georgian-era British queen and King George III, the queer romance between the Queen’s hand, Brimsley, and the King’s secretary, Reynolds, absolutely stole our hearts and immediately became one of our favorite relationships in the Ton.

Brimsley and Reynolds’ secret romance unfolds throughout the six episodes of the spin-off series, and is riddled with sweet moments. One of the most memorable takes place in the finale, when the young version of the couple slip away from the ball to dance together in the shadows of the palace (until the scene heartbreakingly cuts to Bridgerton’s present and reveals older Brimsley dancing alone 😭).

With each step of Brimsley and Reynolds’ waltz, we fall more and more in love with the young couple. And as it turns out, the two actors actually made a mistake in this scene and the blink-and-you-might-miss-it moment remained in the final cut.

“We were so nervous — there’s a particular take that one of us, or maybe both of us, messed up the dance, and then we fall into a fit of hysterics,” Sam Clemmett, who portrayed young Brimsley, told Digital Spy in a recent interview. “That’s actually in the final episode. That made the cut. So watching that moment where we had messed up, and we know we’ve kind of messed up, just brought the joy of what that scene is, and what it meant to us.”

“I completely agree. I love that moment for so many reasons, but also for me and Sam as actors,” Freddie Dennis, who played Reynolds, added. “Watching it back, I love it because it’s one of those few moments of unadulterated joy that Reynolds and Brimsley experience. Also I love it because it reminds me of what a brilliant time we all had on set.” 🥹

BRB, making haste to rewatch this scene (and tbh, the entire series) for the umpteenth time.

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