The Twilight saga’s titles are never explained in the original novel series or their blockbuster movie adaptations, but they’re secretly a reflection of the character arc undergone by the main character Bella (Kristen Stewart in the movies). Released in 2008, Thirteen director Catherine Hardwicke’s Twilight was a gloomy, grey-tinged adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s YA sensation the Twilight saga. The hugely successful paranormal novel series told the tale of Bella Swan, an ordinary teenager, and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), the ageless vampire she falls in love with.
Bolstered by a strong cast and a self-aware streak of humor, the Twilight movie adaptations may have flopped with critics but they were a hit with audiences. Although the Twilight series never explicitly addresses this, each of the individual installment titles can be read as a reflection of where the story of Bella is, and where it is heading. The Twilight saga’s titles reflect both Bella’s emotional states throughout the novels and their movie adaptations, and the state of the infamous love triangle between herself, Edward, and the hot-headed, problematic Quileute werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner) in each installment.