The Rookie season 7 is taking its first break the week of March 4, but the good news is that the next episode will be here before fans know it. Unfortunately, circumstances concerning recent events in season 7 don’t alleviate the audience’s anticipation of what’s to come. The ABC police procedural TV series, created by Alexi Hawley, ended on a cliffhanger in its previous episode. Consequently, the wait for The Rookie season 7, episode 9 might seem a bit cruel, but the short hiatus will only build up the hype surrounding the upcoming hour.
During The Rookie season 7, episode 8, the characters responded to a dangerous wildfire in Los Angeles. Liam Glasser, the serial killer Nyla was surveilling, used this distraction as an opportunity to find his next victim. Thankfully, Nyla, Nolan, Angela, and Miles found Glasser before he could murder an innocent man and finally put him behind bars. However, the writers weren’t willing to leave viewers with a happy ending before heading into season 7’s break. As “Wildfire” came to a close, a car drove by the community center and shot James and Kylie, and their fates will remain unknown until episode 9.
Why There Is No The Rookie Season 7 Tonight (March 4, 2025)
The Rookie Is Taking A Short Break
ABC isn’t releasing a new episode of The Rookie season 7 tonight, March 4, during its usual timeslot at 9 pm ET. While ABC didn’t announce why the crime drama is taking a break, the reality of network TV can clue fans in on the reasoning. Most network TV shows take small, scheduled breaks throughout their seasons so that production doesn’t fall behind, and to ensure the seasons can end in mid-to-late May (the typical month for finales). However, ABC has another reason to delay The Rookie season 7, episode 9.
In place of a new hour of The Rookie season 7, ABC is airing an ABC News Special on Tuesday, March 4, from 9 pm to 11 pm ET. President Donald Trump is scheduled to give an address to a joint session of Congress and the nation. Other major network TV channels like CBS, NBC, Fox, and The CW will also air the Presidential Address during this timeslot. As a result, The Rookie season 7 is taking a short hiatus, but it won’t be long until the police procedural series returns to the small screen with new episodes.
When Will The Rookie Season 7, Episode 9 Release?
Fans Only Have To Wait 1 More Week For The Next Episode
The Rookie season 7, episode 9, “The Kiss,” will debut on Tuesday, March 11, at 9 pm ET on ABC. So, viewers only have to wait one more week to learn what happens after the drive-by. Both James and Kylie were shot multiple times in the chest and abdomen, meaning the two Rookie season 7 characters will likely be in critical condition when the police procedural series returns after its two-week hiatus.
As for what’s to come after The Rookie season 7, episode 9, it seems as if the show isn’t taking another break anytime soon. ABC is releasing episode 10, “Chaos Agent,” a week after episode 9, on March 18. The rest of The Rookie season 7 may premiere weekly without any intermissions, meaning that the finale will air on May 13 (since the season reportedly has 18 episodes total). However, ABC hasn’t announced or confirmed the finale’s release date as of the writing of this article.
What To Expect From The Rookie Season 7, Episode 9
Episode 8 Ended With A Cliffhanger
As mentioned above, “The Kiss,” will pick up directly after the shooting at the community center. The trailer for The Rookie season 7, episode 9 teases the team’s investigation into the drive-by, confirming that the shooter is a member of the Six Street Devils (the same one who harassed Kylie in episode 8). Unfortunately, as depicted in “Wildfire,” Nolan witnessed Kylie kissing James before they were attacked, which makes Nyla a suspect with the motive of jealousy.
While most of the story will seemingly focus on the fates of James and Kylie and the investigation into the drive-by, episode 9’s logline teases what else will happen in “The Kiss.” In particular, how Celina and Bailey will spend their time during the upcoming hour. Per ABC’s press release, The Rookie season 7, episode 9’s description reads, “The team mobilizes to locate a suspect after a deadly series of events affects one of their own. Meanwhile, Celina takes on her first case with Bailey’s help.”