The Golden Bachelor’s Theresa Nist’s Instagram Content Is Confusing (She’s Still Doing Better Than Heartbreaker Gerry Turner)

The Golden Bachelor star Theresa Nist has been sharing some confusing Instagram content after her split from Gerry Turner, but she’s still doing better than the man who broke her heart. Theresa was introduced as one of the many women hoping to win Gerry’s heart on The Golden Bachelor season 1. While their connection was sweet, it was clear that it wasn’t the only one Gerry had during his time as the lead of the series. Gerry and Theresa got to know each other, but it wasn’t clear until the end of the season that she’d be his final choice.

When Gerry and Theresa got engaged during The Golden Bachelor finale, there were already rumblings of issues with Gerry as a person that hadn’t been revealed during his season. Gerry’s reputation tanked after The Golden Bachelor when it was revealed he’d lied about his life before the show, and things got even worse after his live TV wedding to Theresa just a month post-finale. When the couple hadn’t figured things out a few months after the wedding, Bachelor Nation wasn’t entirely shocked when they announced they were getting divorced. While Theresa’s faired better, her social media posts are still confusing.

Theresa Shares Her Authentic Self Online
She’s Open About Who She Is

Although Theresa has been part of the reality TV circus that is The Golden Bachelor, she’s committed to being her authentic self online, especially after Gerry was canceled for doing the opposite. Theresa’s social media presence is a genuine testament to who she is, and while her content can be strange at times, it’s always authentic to who she is and how she’s feeling. Prior to The Golden Bachelor, there wasn’t much content on Theresa’s socials, but once people began following her, she felt inclined to share more about her life.

While Theresa has been open about her life currently, she does seem to avoid talking about Gerry and her time with him online. Though this is likely because she doesn’t have an interest in talking about her ex-husband, some have wondered if her posts are more strategic than they seem. Even if Theresa is using a content strategy with her posts, it’s clear that she’s the one handling her social media.

Theresa’s Posts Can Be Odd Sometimes
She Shares Some Strange Content

Although Theresa’s posts are authentic, they can sometimes be a bit strange for Bachelor Nation to see. While she often posts about her grandchildren and her daily routines, Theresa will sometimes share content about places she likes, or highly detailed accounts of things she’s done. It’s interesting and refreshing to see Theresa posting about her life in the style of a friend telling you what’s been going on with them, because most content creators hope their posts will come off that way, but without the same authenticity Theresa has, they don’t. Instead, Theresa’s sometimes quirky posts have an authentic edge.

Theresa’s Winning Her Breakup With Gerry
She’s Doing Better Than Ever

With her social media presence doing well, Theresa’s the one winning her breakup with Gerry by a landslide. The Golden Bachelor star may have had to deal with some serious heartbreak after her relationship with Gerry came to an end, but Theresa has been able to bounce back quickly and ensure that Bachelor Nation is on her side as she moves forward. Theresa’s social content has allowed people to get to know her outside of the context of the show, and has allowed her to seem like a fun friend rather than a reality TV figure from The Golden Bachelor.

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