Despite all her flaws, one particular scene, which Kaley Cuoco absolutely nails, proves why Penny is perfect for Leonard.
Throughout the 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, Penny and Leonard, arguably the most celebrated couple from the sitcom, had their share of ups and downs. From Penny’s commitment issues and insecurity to Leonard’s borderline narcissism, many weren’t too thrilled about their dynamic, and some even claimed the former was taking Leonard for granted.
On the flip side, it was the latter that was overly persistent and slightly inappropriate toward Penny in the beginning. However, one scene proves why Penny is an absolute keeper, which is obviously excelled by Kaley Cuoco’s brilliance in The Romance Resonance.
One scene proves that Penny is a gem beneath all her flaws
From exhibiting insecurities to having commitment issues when it came to settling down, a sizeable portion of the fandom felt she didn’t truly love Leonard. This belief was eventually thrown out of the window, thanks to The Romance Resonance, which sees Kaley Cuoco at the top of her game.
In this episode, Penny pulls out a box of all the things Leonard has given to her throughout their love story up to that point, which involves a plane ticket, a rose he left on her windshield, and an 11-page letter he wrote. Upon being asked why she did it, Penny simply answers, “Of course I did. It’s you.” One Reddit user wrote:
I believe this scene really captures the essence of the love Penny had for Leonard. She struggled with expressing her feelings but deep down, she cherished all the little things he did for her.
Some other comments read:
Given how wholesome the scene was, this stands as one of the most revered moments between the couple, proving that beneath all her insecurities, Penny truly cared about Leonard.
Kaley Cuoco was originally involved in The Big Bang Theory
Leonard wasn’t the only one who benefited from Penny’s involvement, as she ensured that most of the main cast, who exhibited their fair share of problematic traits, improved as the series progressed. Interestingly, Kaley Cuoco wasn’t initially on the cards when Chuck Lorre rolled the production on the original pilot, which failed to make a splash among the CBS higher-ups, especially due to its toxic female lead.
Nina Tassler, the former CBS Entertainment chairwoman, recalled (via CinemaBlend):
There was so much about the pilot that did work. But there were parts of the script that didn’t work, and we had to recast an actress. [Chuck Lorre] is such an extraordinary talent. He had a great concept and wonderful chemistry between the two leads, so I asked him if he would try again.
Lorre, who previously worked on the network’s Two and a Half Men, immediately acknowledged the network’s concerns, and the rest is history.