How The Big Bang Theory sacrificed character development for laughs in one of the most uncomfortable Penny and Howard moments.
Portrayed by Simon Helberg, Howard Wolowitz is often considered one of the most disliked characters in The Big Bang Theory. From his introduction alongside the rest of the main cast, he is blatantly forward and creepy in his advances toward women, including Penny after he meets her at Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment.
And the unpleasant encounters continue further into the series causing Penny, portrayed by Kaley Cuoco, to finally snap and confront Howard. However, Howard being persistent in his creepiness, once again ends up making the worst possible move, which continues to haunt fans to this day.
The Big Bang Theory episode with unfortunate humor surrounding Penny and Howard
Season 2 Episode 12 of The Big Bang Theory, titled, The Killer Robot Instability, follows a group of friends preparing to enter a killer robot contest. However, things take an unexpected turn when their killer robot scares Penny and she comes in to confront the guys.
Following up on his nature, Howard (Simon Helberg) goes ahead and invites Penny to the post-competition dance before making absurd remarks by calling her “doable.” Penny gets frustrated with his persistent creepy behavior and calls him out about the same.
She calls him “pathetic and creepy” shattering his delusion that his advances appear flirty and makes it clear that his remarks are nothing but outright creepy and offensive. She also tells him, “No woman is ever going to flirt with you! You’re just going to grow old and die alone!”
A shocked Howard leaves and retreats to his home, causing Leonard to ask Penny (Kaley Cuoco) to apologize to him. After resisting initially, she eventually goes and talks to him and they reconcile. However, Howard then goes on and attempts to kiss her, only to be punched by her in the nose.
Though Howard’s character evolves significantly over the course of the show, especially through his relationship with Bernadette, his early story arc is mostly marked by inappropriate and objectifying behavior toward women, often used for comedic effect.
However, The Killer Robot Instability, takes this behavior to a troubling extreme, using it for quick laughs at the expense of important issues, making it one of the most uncomfortable moments in the series.
Fans criticize the sitcom for enabling Howard’s creepy behavior and problematic humor
Fans of the show have often reflected on Howard’s creepy behavior early on in the sitcom. Among the many conversations surrounding the series, fans have highlighted how it frequently leaned into inappropriate behavior and uncomfortable situations for humor, especially in its portrayal of the ‘nerd’ archetype.
And Howard’s character among all has specifically received criticism, with fans noting, “Howard was a creep by nature.” Many also expressed frustration with Leonard asking Penny to apologize to Howard, even though he was the one at fault in the episode.
“So, instead of potentially being a moment where Howard could have faced consequences for his actions, he just got enabled,” one fan said in a Reddit discussion.
Others noted that Penny had been tolerating Howard’s behavior for far too long by the time this incident occurred in Season 2, arguing that her confrontation was overdue.
It continues to be one of the most uncomfortable points in the sitcom, sparking ongoing debates among fans about the show’s reliance on problematic tropes and its attempt to frame them as humor.