The Big Bang Theory aired for twelve long seasons on the CBS network. This hit sitcom followed the lives of a group of comic-loving scientist friends, making millions of fans around the world laugh with their antics. The show is hailed as one of the best in its genre in recent decades on television.
It might be common for an actor to star in two unrelated sitcoms at different times, both beloved by fans. However, what’s truly rare is when the second show references the first and predicts its future. That’s exactly what happened with The Big Bang Theory.
While The Big Bang Theory centered its stories around characters with advanced knowledge in physics, science, and astrophysics, none of its actors were experts in these fields until season 3, when a real-life scientist joined the cast.
Mayim Bialik joined the CBS series as Amy Farrah Fowler in season 3, which aired in 2010. Before her arrival on The Big Bang Theory, the actress was already famous for her role in the early ’90s hit series Blossom on NBC, where she played the teenage Blossom Russo for five seasons.
A few years later, Bialik stepped away from showbiz to focus on her university studies, earning her Ph.D. in neuroscience in 2007. When she appeared on The Big Bang Theory, she became the love interest and later wife of Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) until the series ended in 2019.
How The Big Bang Theory Predicted Mayim Bialik’s Arrival
It turns out that Mayim Bialik’s arrival on The Big Bang Theory was predicted in the series long before her appearance when she was mentioned by one of the characters. As fans will remember, in the first season of the sitcom, Raj (Kunal Nayyar) suggests to his friends to recruit Bialik for their Physics Bowl team, saying:
“You know who’s apparently very smart is the girl who played Blossom on TV. She got a Ph.D. in neuroscience or something.”
It turns out Raj and The Big Bang Theory weren’t joking in that episode. At the time, Bialik was already a real doctor, having received a Ph.D. in neuroscience studies. Two seasons later, fans met the beloved Amy, the neurobiologist of the group of friends.