With a total of four books in the original series, a graphic novel, and two re-tellings of the plot, Stephanie Meyer created a cult classic with the Twilight series. The four books include, Twilight (2005), New Moon (2006), Eclipse (2007) and Breaking Dawn (2008) and have over $100 million in sales, according to the Stephanie Meyer website. The story follows Bella Swan, an angsty teenager who recently moved from Arizona to Forks, Washington, to spend more time with her dad, while her mom travels across the states with her new husband. Bella has low expectations for her big move and plans on lying low, until she meets Edward Cullen, and her world is flipped upside down.
Throughout the four books we’re taken through their epic love story that many people claim to hate, but love at the same time; with many memes arising from the franchise. In 2008, the first movie, Twilight, was released, and starred Kirsten Stewart as Bella, Robert Pattinson as Edward, and Taylor Lautner as Jacob. The trio that quickly became popular and iconic. Stated by Nikki Swift, Bella was originally going to be played by Australian actress Emily Browning, but she opted out of it, thus leading to one of Stewart’s biggest roles of her career. While there are several great characters in this series, here is a list of the best, ranked.
9. Jasper Hale
Once a Confederate soldier in his past life, Jasper Hale (Jackson Rathbone) doesn’t exactly show off his skills as a vampire until Eclipse, when he’s recruited to train his family and the werewolf pack for the fight against Victoria’s clan of vampires. Jasper has his moments with struggling to not eat people, and often proves that he’s not comfortable around blood; like going after Bella at her birthday party in New Moon, when she gets a paper cut. Compared to the other members of his family and other characters in the series, Jasper is a reliable character, but nowhere near the best one.
8. Emmett Cullen
Emmett Cullen, played by Kellan Lutz, who was fighting a bear when his wife Rosalie found him for the first time, is the definition of a golden retriever character. He has good energy surrounding him, helping Bella when she first becomes a vampire, and gives the perfect speech at Bella and Edward’s wedding; a balanced mix of awkwardness and comedy being delivered by the vampire. Emmett is an all-around good guy, an even better vampire, and a great husband to Rosalie.
7. Jacob Black
Jacob Black, the werewolf and the third component of the iconic love triangle, played by Taylor Lautner, is a complex character with a lot of baggage, and a lot of unrequited feelings. In New Moon, he was a great friend to Bella while she was going through her depression, and proved to be a great asset during the Eclipse battle. In the end, he has more red flags than green. He makes rash decisions and imprints on the child of Bella and Edward, but he is in fact loyal through the very end. Without his character, viewers would feel like there was something missing to this vampire love story, so Jacob Black is necessary to the Twilight Saga.
6. Bella Swan
While Bella (Stewart) is the main character in the series, she’s not the best character. She has a great journey of falling in love with Edward, and quickly becoming pregnant on their honeymoon, unexpectedly, but when it comes to other characters, there are factors that outrank hers. Something to note though, is how she manages to get through her horrible depression in New Moon when Edward leaves, and also how she develops a force-field-like power when she finally makes the transition to being a vampire in Breaking Dawn.
5. Charlie Swan
While he didn’t get the opportunity to spend a ton of time with his daughter, Bella, while she was growing up, when she comes to live with him through her high school years, Charlie gets to prove that he is in fact, a good dad. Rightfully protective and dedicated to his daughter and friends, Charlie Swan (Billy Burke) is an excellent character, not only as a father, but also to the people he’s loyal to, such as Billy Black. Throughout the series, Charlie Swan is constantly manipulated, lied to, and gaslit by his own family, just to keep him safe and still; he always wants the best for Bella. He’s the most understanding character, even when he’s not entirely sure what’s going on around him, especially when his granddaughter has grown a foot overnight
4. Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is one of the best vampires in the series, and it’s proven several times. When Carlisle first turned him after he was sick with Spanish Influenza and dying, Edward admits that he killed hundreds of people. While his body count is high, he follows up with the victims being terrible people; predators; murderers, and sexual assaulters. He would go and find people doing terrible things, and in return, he would take care of them, vigilante style. Throughout the series, it’s clear that he loves Bella very much, refusing to turn her into a vampire because he wanted more for her than what he was dealt. He saves her life in Breaking Dawn, turning her, even though it was the worst possible outcome for him.
3. Rosalie Hale
Rosalie proves time and time again that she’s her own hero, and has an important story to tell. Bella is convinced that Rosalie doesn’t like her because of her desperately wanting to become a vampire, but it’s not for the reason Bella thinks. When Rosalie tells Bella what happened to her before her transition into a vampire, and how her husband-to-be (Royce, and his friends attacked her while she was walking home one night), there’s an understanding between her and Bella from then on. Becoming a vampire thanks to Carlisle took everything away from her; being able to have a family and growing old with the man she loves the most, Emmett. While she could be considered a “cold” character, she’s a survivor and a great friend to Bella in her time of need.
2. Carlisle Cullen
Adoptive father and friend to his Cullen/Hale family, Carlisle saved and turned each member of his family into vampires. Throughout the entire series, it’s proven that Carlisle has a deep love and care for each of them, wanting the best for his family, and for them to strive in the best way they can. When Edward introduces Bella to his family for the first time, husband and wife Esme and Carlisle keep an open mind to meeting the human girl that their son has fallen for, even though she might be one big trigger for all of them. Carlisle takes great care in making sure that everyone is okay, even becoming a doctor in his lifetime to help others in need, and having the best self-control when it comes to blood
1.Alice Cullen
Gifted with the power of seeing the future through visions, Alice is one of the most powerful and also the most understanding character in the series. She quickly befriends Bella, even though the rest of her “siblings” are a little weary of her at first, bypassing any concern, as they become quite close. During Bella’s depressive episode, she sent email after email to Alice, confiding in her and wondering what could have happened between her and Edward. During the battle in Breaking Dawn, Alice goes up against the leader of the Volturi, Aro, and gives him a glimpse into the future and shows him how the battle will end if they go through with it. Due to Alice’s gift, the battle doesn’t happen and a lot of lives are saved.