Hello everyone, another week! It’s Pride month! So, Happy Pride month, everyone! Despite this, I don’t have very good news. Fate has decided that the first recap to be published this month will be one of the most dramatic recaps of Maya and Carina , our favorite couple. Are you ready? Here we go!
The episode begins with a flashback to Vic’s past, specifically to 2012. The firefighter is in one of her Drama classes rehearsing for a play. In the middle of the rehearsal, she starts to cry, and her teacher, who is acting as director, tells her to go for a walk. When they are a little apart from the rest of her classmates, she apologizes for crying, and he tells her to never apologize for her emotions. Then he asks what she’s going through. Vic is sad because her grandmother has just died. He cheers her up by telling her that she has a big soul and that she can cry and tap dance at the same time without any problem, so Vic returns to the stage to rehearse.
We return to the present. Vic, Travis and Emmett have finished their shift and head to the kitchen, there they meet Maya and Jackson, a doctor from Grey’s Anatomy and Vic’s ex, and then Travis starts telling them an anecdote about a girl who went to the park because she had a toothbrush stuck in her vagina.
Then Warren, who’s the only one still on duty, tells Maya he needs an ambulance driver, and the captain suggests Emmett. He complains because he just finished a 24-hour shift, but she insists because all he’s done is work at the front desk, so he’s still fresh.
Everyone leaves except Vic and Travis, so she takes the opportunity to ask her partner if he’s slept with Emmett. He tries to deny it at first, but she’s smarter than a horse, and he finally confesses. Just as they’re about to leave the park, Sullivan appears and tells them that City Hall wants to do an inspection and asks if they’d like to work overtime, so they have no choice but to stay.
Jack suggests to Andy that they go out for breakfast, but she tells him she can’t because she has to go through her father’s things since they’re all occupying Sullivan’s apartment. Andy leaves, and Dean shows up. Jack and he are making plans, but suddenly a woman with blood on her hands arrives at the park, and they have to stay behind to examine her. The woman is convinced she killed her son and, as expected, is very disoriented. While they try to figure out what happened, she pulls a knife out of her pocket.
Warren, Jackson, and Emmett arrive at a forest to attend to a patient. It seems that his condition is serious, so they put him in the ambulance and begin to treat him. The man is unconscious and has been stabbed several times. Warren tells Emmett to take the ambulance to Grey Sloan, but when he gets behind the wheel, a woman gets in and sits in the passenger seat. He tries to stop her, but she points a gun at him and forces him to drive. Meanwhile, in the back of the ambulance, Warren and Jackson continue to treat the patient. In the back, when the ambulance starts moving, things begin to fall, making it impossible for Warren and Jackson to treat the patient. While at the wheel, the woman continues to aim at Emmett while forcing him to go faster.
Andy is at Sullivan’s house looking at all the boxes with her father’s belongings, Sullivan encourages her to start opening them and she takes one of them, they start taking things out of one of them and she sees photos of her uncles whom she hasn’t seen since her mother died.
We change the scene and see Travis and Vic doing one of the fire inspections in question, specifically in what appears to be a liquor warehouse. The owner tells them that he is a friend of Dixon and that he has told him that everything is in order and that he has a license to run the business.
We see a flashback of Vic rehearsing the play, while they are singing two firefighters enter the theater, one of them is Pruitt Herrera, he tells them that they are going to do a fire inspection, the director seems annoyed because every time they are going to open a new play they go to do an inspection of the theater.
We return to the present, where the police are questioning the woman with the bloody hands and ask the firefighters if they can take her to Grey Sloan.
Warren and Jackson are still in the ambulance trying to operate on the patient while the ambulance is moving. Warren is furious and starts yelling at Emmett. Just then, the back doors of the ambulance open and a young Emmett appears, still pointing a gun at him. She threatens them that if they don’t give her all the painkillers, she’ll kill Emmett.
Finally we get to the content that interests us, Maya and Carina are in bed having a good time, when they finish they have this conversation:
Maya: Is it just me or are orgasms better during the day?
Carina: (laughs) It’s not your problem. In fact, I did a whole study on the female orgasm.
Maya: I’d like to see that study. (both laugh)
Carina: How are you?
Maya: Now? Great.
Carina: I meant about your mom.
Maya: I haven’t spoken to her since dinner at the park.
Carina: Don’t you think you should try it?
Maya: Why? Carina
: Because she’s your mom and she’s having a hard time and…
Maya: (As she stands up) It’s not my problem. If she wants to screw up her life and live in a motel forever because of a couple of screams, that’s her problem.
Carina: I understand this is hard for you, Maya, but don’t you think there might be some truth to what your mom said?
Maya: (angrily) Please let it go
Maya leaves the room while Carina, still in bed, stares at her with a worried and bewildered look on her face.
Andy and Sullivan continue looking through Pruitt’s things, she starts to freak out because thanks to a letter she discovers that her father suddenly cut off ties with her uncles and cousin when her mother died and she doesn’t understand anything.
In the ambulance are Dean and a police officer with the woman with bloody hands, she begins to say that she thought it was safe and that she was just out for a run but that a man attacked her and that she never thought he would use the knife.
We go back to Vic’s past. Pruitt has just finished inspecting the theater. Apparently, something is blocking the emergency exit, and they have to replace it before the play starts. The play’s director says it’s going to cost them time and money.
We return to the present, Sullivan arrives quite upset to the place where Travis and Vic are doing the inspection, they both tell her the whole story and when Sullivan opens the file of that inspection she sees that there is a post it where Dixon has left her a note telling her that the place already had a license, Sullivan apologizes because the inspections were already passed and he only had to sign them, obviously he has not passed any inspection but it is a clear case of corruption in which Dixon approves the licenses for some kind of interest.
We return to Maya’s house where the captain is aggressively chopping vegetables while Carina sits in front of her and looks at her half-smiling:
Carina: Okay. How much are you going to cook with that angry face?
Maya: I’m just chopping this.
Carina: Do you know my dad has bipolar I disorder?
Maya: Yes. You told me.
Carina: And my little brother inherited it.
Maya: Are you talking about yourself, or are you trying to make some kind of comparison? Because if you’re talking about yourself, I’m all ears, but in my family, we don’t have mental illness.
Carina: With or without mental illness, the human brain is brilliant and clever. That’s why it shuts down when it doesn’t want to know something.
Maya: Understood. You’re talking about me.
Carina: What I’m trying to say, Maya, is that you’re brilliant, and you might think you’re too smart to deny reality. You might think you’re too smart to have been abused.
Maya: (while her anger increases) Look. I don’t feel like talking.
Carina: I just want to help you.
Maya: He’s never hit me.
Carina: Hitting isn’t the only form of abuse, Maya. My father has never hit me either. Or my brother. That doesn’t mean he didn’t abuse us. Psychological and verbal abuse really do exist.
Maya: I don’t want to argue with you.
Carina: I don’t want to argue either.
Maya: Well, it’s better if you go.
Carina: What? Arguments aren’t resolved like that. Maya. I’m here for you. I’m not going to leave.
Maya: Okay. Okay. I’m going. I need… I need to run, so I’m going to go for a run.
Maya leaves again and Carina sits there looking at her.
Back in the ambulance with Warren, Jackson and Emmett, Warren tries to convince the woman with the gun that they don’t have drugs, Emmett gets into the ambulance and as he gets in he trips and falls then the woman shoots and the bullet hits Jackson in the leg.
At the park, Maya is jumping rope at the gym, and Andy comes in, asking if there are any old reports in the park. Andy says he doesn’t know who his father was, so Maya gets angry because she’s still upset about her conversation with Carina, and leaves Andy at the gym, confused.
Vic and Travis are having a few beers at Joe’s bar and they’re both wondering what just happened with the inspections. Travis then says that Dixon must be handing out licenses in exchange for political favors. Neither of them believes it, so Vic asks Travis if she’s fallen in love with the corrupt boss’s son. Travis says he’s not in love and that all they do is sleep together. Vic then gets an impulse and says she’s going to talk to Sullivan. Travis tries to stop her but she’s determined.
Andy arrives at Sullivan’s house, he asks her if she wants to eat but she goes straight to one of the registers and grabs a diary, then she dials a phone, her aunt Sandra’s and an answering machine comes on.
The woman with the gun keeps pointing it at Emmett and wants him to open the medicine compartment. They finally give it to her, and Warren asks Emmett for help with the patient. The woman drives off, and then a car drives by and hits her. The patient they tried to save in the ambulance finally dies, and then Warren goes to see what happened to the woman in the ambulance; she didn’t survive either.
Vic arrives at Sullivan’s House all pissed off, he goes outside and she tells him that he has no right to do what he’s doing with the licenses and asks him to please not sign because he could be signing the death of many people, he tells her to leave.
We have a flashback again of Vic, he is rehearsing the play and then a woman comes out screaming “Fire! Fire!”, everyone runs away except the director who stays sitting in front of the piano.
Jack and Dean are at the hospital, they are talking about their things and Dr. Bailey comes out scared because Warren hasn’t arrived yet, Dean and Jack don’t know anything and then Dr. Schmitt arrives telling her that Warren has lost the patient, she manages to breathe for a moment but then he tells her that they have to prepare for a gunshot wound and she gets scared again, having a firefighter as a partner must be stressful.
We return to the ambulance with Emmett, Warren and Jackson, what just happened is the straw that broke the camel’s back for Emmett and he starts saying that he can’t take it anymore and that he doesn’t want this to be his life, then he ends up confessing that he didn’t even pass the exam.
And now comes the worst part for those of us who are fans of the Maya and Carina couple, Maya is in her office and Jack appears. First he tells her what happened to Warren, Emmett and Jackson, then they start talking about Andy and she gets upset and ends up telling him that not everyone needs therapy like he does. He gets offended and she says she wasn’t talking about him and tells him that Carina wants him to admit something that isn’t true and when she starts talking about her father Jack tells her he’s a real jerk and she gets even more angry and tells him to leave the office, they continue arguing for a while and… end up kissing… and sleeping together.
Andy keeps trying to contact her aunt Sandra but the answering machine keeps coming, Sullivan tells her that it doesn’t make sense that her father would take her away from her family but Andy says that her aunt sent her birthday cards from the time her mother died until she was fifteen and her father hid them from her and he has discovered them now.
In the next scene we see Maya and Jack in bed and Maya admits that she is broken, I’m going to try to get this scene out of my head, for me it’s as if it never existed.
We have a flashback of Vic again, the theater is still burning and she is trying to save the director of the play but a firefighter pulls her out of there, the firefighter in question is Pruitt.
Did you think the worst was over with Maya and Carina? Well, wait and see. Maya arrives home and Carina is still there. She’s been waiting for her this whole time. Maya is surprised to see her:
Maya: I thought you were gone.
Carina: I was almost there, but then I thought maybe you needed to talk.
Maya: All I need is to breathe.
Carina: Okay. I can see you want to push me away, and I want to let you breathe, but…
Maya: Well, just let me.
Carina: I understand that you’re having a hard time, and… I’m trying not to get mad at you, but…
Maya: Well, I slept with Jack an hour ago, so be mad about that.
Maya enters her room and leaves Carina crying and me too.
In the next scene, Emmett enters Joe’s bar, where he meets Travis and confesses that he quit his job and told his father he’s gay, then kisses him.
And that’s it for our chapter! It’s been tough, but luckily things get better in the next chapter, and we’ll be here to tell you all about it until next week!