The 8 Best Quotes in ‘Young Sheldon,’ Ranked

There’s more to Sheldon than just “Bazinga!”

Young Sheldon is a popular sitcom that follows the childhood of Sheldon Cooper, the prodigy physicist and breakout character from The Big Bang Theory. It showcases the chaotic lifestyle of his youth growing up and dealing with family drama, emotional growth, school pressures, and the burden of being the smartest person in his small and deeply religious Texas town.

The show is full of hilarious moments, witty dialogues, and heartwarming scenes that will leave audiences laughing and feeling emotional. And, while many of Young Sheldon‘s most memorable quotes perfectly capture its essence and that of its characters, only a few stand out as the best and most compelling.

8“I should let you know, I read a book on Jiu-Jitsu, and I am prepared to throw it at you.”

Sheldon Lee Cooper (Season 1, Episode 17)


In the episode “Jiu-Jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and a Yoo-Hoo,” Sheldon becomes bullied by the unlikable Bobbi Sparks, Billy’s younger sister. Although she seems sweet and innocent, Bobbi is mean and intimidating toward the young genius, who cowers in fear at her presence.

Sheldon is not very good at physical activities or self-defense, yet he uses his knowledge and wit to get out of trouble. This quote shows Sheldon’s courage, humor, and lack of common sense. He could easily overpower Bobbi, but his inability to respond physically showcases his unique way of reacting to things that frighten him.

7“You’re scared everything’s gonna be different and it’ll be hard. And you’re gonna miss the way that it was.”

Melissa “Missy” Cooper (Season 4, Episode 1)


Missy is Sheldon’s sister and a smart/sassy girl in her own right, who often clashes with him over their different interests and personalities. However, she also cares for and supports him when he needs her. Their adversarial yet loving relationship is crucial to young Sheldon’s success.

This quote shows Missy’s maturity and kindness, and how she can empathize with her brother. She acknowledges her brother’s quirks but is still willing to stand by him. Missy is often at the center of Young Sheldon‘s funniest episodes, but her emotional intelligence makes her one of the show’s most sympathetic figures, and this quote proves it.

6“What I find interesting is how so many supervillains are scientists. If the world doesn’t respect me, I might change sides.”

Sheldon Lee Cooper (Season 1, Episode 4)


This is Sheldon’s confession to his therapist after he reveals that he sometimes fantasizes about becoming a supervillain. Sheldon feels misunderstood and alienated by the world quite often. He also has a rebellious streak, which sometimes gets him into trouble.

Sheldon’s fascination with comic books plays an important role in almost every aspect of his life. Although he’d love to be among the most powerful DC characters, a part of him also identifies with the villains because of their superior intellect and solitary roads. This quote shows Sheldon’s potential for evil as well as his frustration and resentment toward society.

5“That sucks. I have a tough time making friends, too.”

Tam Nguyen (Season 1, Episode 2)


Tam is a Vietnamese immigrant and an outsider who becomes Sheldon’s first and best friend. He has a dark sense of humor and a pessimistic outlook on life due to his traumatic experiences. Still, he bonds with the young genius, with the two forming a surprisingly deep and warm bond.

This quote reveals Tam’s struggle and loneliness. Tam’s relatable statement to Sheldon probably struck a chord quite deeply for some, especially those who have trouble connecting to others. Sheldon understands what it feels like to be different and sympathizes with Tam’s experience, which is part of the reason then bonded.

4“You talk to an invisible man in the sky who grants wishes. If anyone’s mental, it’s you!”

Sheldon Lee Cooper (Season 3, Episode 1)

An 8-Bit Princess and a Flat Tire Genius - Young Sheldon

Sheldon may be one of the funniest characters in Young Sheldon, but he is also a staunch atheist and a rationalist who does not believe in God or any supernatural phenomena. He often clashes with his mother, a devout Christian and a believer in miracles who goes out of her way to impose her religion on others.

This quote shows Sheldon’s skepticism, defiance, and objection to his mother’s faith, a recurring theme in Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory. Mary’s stubbornness regarding religion is also quite notorious, but she often keeps it in check around Sheldon, knowing her genius son will debate her until the end of time.

3“Okay, let’s say grace. […] When I say “Jesus,” feel free to say the word “Buddha” in your head.”

Mary Cooper (Season 1, Episode 2)

Sheldon and Mary Cooper in 'Young Sheldon'

Mary advises Sheldon to see a therapist after he has a panic attack at school. A devout Christian and loving mother, Mary tries her best to support and protect Sheldon. She believes in divine intervention but agrees to a more realistic approach with her young son, even if it challenges her beliefs.

The early scene shows Mary’s feelings towards her son as she acknowledges their differences in their belief. It also shows her willingness to compromise and sacrifice for his well-being, despite being misguided, especially in front of a friend like Tam.

2“So I’m ahead of my time? All right, Call me when you catch up.”

Sheldon Lee Cooper (Season 1, Episode 6)

Sheldon from Young Sheldon holding a clipboard in his hand.

Sheldon is often the smartest person in the room. When his advice to NASA gets ignored, he and his father drive to meet Dr. Hodges, a NASA representative who is impressed by his math but dismisses it as impossible to employ due to the lack of technology available.

Both The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon feature the many issues Sheldon faces due to his advanced mind compared to the limited resources available to him. This quote perfectly summarizes the young genius: he is confident in his intellect and aware that he operates on a higher level than most people around him, even those of above-average intelligence.

1“I felt like Neil Armstrong on the moon, alone and happy.”

Sheldon Lee Cooper (Season 1, Episode 1)

Sheldon holding a book open in 'Young Sheldon'
Image via CBS

This is the first line in Young Sheldon, spoken by adult Sheldon as he narrates his childhood memories. It sets the tone for the show, as fans see how Sheldon’s passion for science and eccentric personality have always been a part of him since he was a kid.

Sheldon’s love for trains is a key aspect of his character, and this quote also ties together with this life-long passion. It shows his sense of humor and his imagination as he fantasizes about alternative careers involving trains. Sheldon’s quirks might be off-putting, but his affection for trains is among his most endearing qualities, and hearing him compare it to Neil Armstrong’s moon landing is surprisingly sweet.

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