“That was hard to watch”: Mayim Bialik’s Worst The Big Bang Theory Moment is Every Amy Fan’s Nightmare

Mayim Bialik’s Amy had many hilarious plots on The Big Bang Theory, but one cringe-worthy moment featured Will Wheaton.

The Big Bang Theory was a beloved sitcom that took the genre to new heights with its sarcasm and humor. While the series was full of several laughter-filled and heartwarming moments, it wasn’t without its fair share of cringe-worthy character behavior. A Reddit user specifically pointed out Mayim Bialik’s character in a post.

But in reality, almost each one of the main characters had one or more questionable elements that the audience would find hard to watch.

An Episode in TBBT That Was Every Amy Farrah Fowler Fan’s Worst Nightmare

Mayim Bialik undoubtedly played Amy Farrah Fowler to the best of her abilities and was made a series regular after her first appearance in Season Three of the sitcom. Furthermore, her character arguably experienced the most significant development throughout the series. The audience loved every moment of her screen presence during the later seasons.

However, a particular episode in Season Six portrayed her in an annoyingly cringe-worthy way, making it difficult for the audience to watch. Adding to this, a Reddit user posted a question asking others to detail the most cringe-worthy moments of each character.

While many had plenty to say about the cast, the spotlight was particularly placed on Bialik’s Amy when one user highlighted her fight with Wil Wheaton in Season 6, Episode 7. Other users quickly chimed in, sharing their opinions and adding to the discussion.

Wil Wheaton’s inclusion in Sheldon Cooper’s iconic Fun with Flags seemed like a big moment for the duo given their history. But what could have been a hilarious storyline was jeopardized by Amy when she kept interrupting Wheaton with her snarking comments. So, it was only normal for Wil to reach his breaking point and shut her down with a warning that he wouldn’t continue with the episode if she continued to be “a pain in the ass.”

Amy, visibly upset, grew even angrier when Sheldon didn’t take her side, but this whole sequence felt awkward and out of place. Even the audience sympathized with Wil on this one.

While he could’ve handled it a little more gracefully, Amy’s unnecessary rudeness put him in an uncomfortable position. In the end, viewers agreed that Sheldon had no reason to defend Amy, as she had initiated the fight.

Not Just Amy, but Other Characters on TBBT Also Had Their Fair Share of Cringe-Worthy Moments

In this regard, the first character that comes to everyone’s mind would undoubtedly be Jim Parsons’ Sheldon Cooper. In Season 6, Episode 9 of the sitcom, titled The Parking Spot Escalation, viewers saw Sheldon and Howard drawn into a fight over the university’s parking spot. While the spot initially belonged to Sheldon, it was later reassigned to Howard, as Sheldon didn’t have a car.

This didn’t sit well with him, and the entire episode saw the duo pulling pranks on each other. This sequence also highlights Sheldon’s inability to accept that, given Howard’s astronaut status, he is a much bigger deal than Sheldon at the university. The next on the list would be Leonard, who, despite his usual calm and understanding demeanor, has also pulled off some cringy scenes.

In the early seasons, the character secretly dated Stephanie, who was initially Howard’s love interest. Additionally, Leonard slept with Priya despite Raj’s constant objections and broke his pact with Howard. As for Howard, he was quite a piece of work before he met Bernadette. Not only did he place a secret webcam in Penny’s teddy bear, but he also constantly made remarks that made her uncomfortable.

Raj, on the other hand, had his own set of problems. He had a crush on both of his friends’ girlfriends, Penny and Bernadette, even writing a song about the latter. Furthermore, some episodes revealed that Penny used to be a high school bully and showed no remorse about it.

Last but not least, while Bernadette was initially portrayed as mellow and sweet, the later seasons turned her into a controlling wife who constantly kept tabs on Howard. Not to mention the times when she boasted about how much more money she made compared to him.

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