Team Edward Vs. Team Jacob: Which Is the RIGHT Choice in the Twilight Debate?

The Twilight Saga is one of the most successful fantasy sagas of all time, which currently includes six books and five film adaptations. Years after the release of the first film in the series, Twilight, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga continues to stir discussion and debate, with perhaps none more fierce than Team Edward or Team Jacob. This question still burns bright in the minds of devout fans of the books and the film adaptations. At one time, it was so heavily debated that it sparked online fights, placed friendships on the line, and spurred middle-aged women to cut in line at Comic-Con International.

The Team Edward or Team Jacob debate even spawned a hilarious Saturday Night Live skit when Taylor Lautner, who played Jacob on Twilight, hosted SNL. Although Twilight clearly picks Edward as the favorite, Jacob certainly has merit. Now that time has passed since the first wave of Twilight fandom, the intensity has died down. However, with the release of Midnight Sun in 2020 and a Twilight TV show adaptation in the works, interest in the Twilight series has reignited. Because of that, the question can be more objectively approached and offer older and newer fans of the saga a better perspective on the subject of Team Edward vs. Team Jacob.

Updated on July 2, 2024 by Robbie Robinson: The age-old debate that, somehow, never grows truly stale. Twilight gets better with age in the sense that it becomes more interesting to dissect with each year that passes. This article has been updated to include Bella’s faults concerning her relationships as well as to get this article up to current CBR standards.

Twilight Fans Have Many Valid Points for Both Team Edward and Team Jacob
Both Characters Have Some Rather Unsavory Traits
Although Edward Cullen ended up with Bella Swan, many fans thought that Edward wasn’t the best match for her. This spawned the Team Jacob vs. Team Edward debate. Many fans have trouble with Edward’s personality and demeanor. Edward is overbearing, overprotective, and altogether intense. Edward is also over a hundred years old, which is clearly too old for Bella, who is only a teenager. Some of Edward’s actions can be considered a bit creepy and stalker-like. However, that same intensity attracted Bella to Edward in the first place, so this worked in Edward’s favor.

While Edward seems controlling and a tad bit manipulative, it all comes from a place of care for Bella. Edward even leaves Bella and moves away in New Moon to protect her and allow Bella to have a normal human life. As a vampire, Edward understands how fragile human life is and wants to protect Bella at all costs. Even when she tries to convince Edward to turn her into a vampire, Edward vehemently disagrees. Edward thinks Bella should be able to fully live and experience her human life before committing to an eternal life with him. Most vampires miss their human life and have many regrets, which Edward doesn’t want Bella to go through.

Compared to Edward, Jacob Black seems like a more reasonable choice for Bella — especially in New Moon, when Jacob gets to shine after Edward leaves Bella. Jacob proves to be a much warmer, more cheerful individual than Edward. Jacob encourages Bella to pursue her goals, no matter how dangerous, such as when she wants to learn to ride a motorbike. Jacob is attentive, and they have a lot more in common.

Jacob could also live a human lifespan with Bella, which means she wouldn’t need to fundamentally change her biology to be with him. She wouldn’t have to sacrifice anything, which many fans point to when comparing Edward and Jacob. Aside from him being a werewolf, Bella doesn’t need to deal with too much drama or danger, unlike her relationship with Edward. However, Jacob can be manipulative, too, particularly when trying to pursue Bella, even when she’s made it clear she wants to be with Edward. In Eclipse, Jacob becomes childish and demanding, forcing Bella’s hand multiple times.

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