Stephenie Meyer Has Two More ‘Twilight’ Books In The Works

‘Twilight’ fans unite: there will be two more chances to revisit your beloved Forks, Washington
Twi-hards are not, as one may have surmised, a thing of the past. After Stephenie Meyer’s latest Twilight book, Midnight Sun, sold over a million copies during its first week, it became apparent that Twilight fans are ready for more. And you’re all in luck — Meyer revealed she has two more books planned in the fantasy world of Forks (or Meyers’ version, anyway — no disrespect to the actual Forks).

In a virtual Q&A event for Midnight Sun, Meyer dropped the bomb that she has two more Twilight books in progress. “There are two more books I think in the world that I want to write,” she said. “I have got them outlined and a chapter written I think of the first one, so I know it’s there.”

Don’t go and dust off your Team Jacob or Team Edward shirt from Etsy just yet. The books won’t be Edward-centric like Midnight Sun, which is literally told from his perspective. “No. Not at all. This is it for Edward…No, I wouldn’t want to do that—especially given that New Moon would just be a nightmare of depression and emptiness.”

Although Meyer admitted she’s taking the George R. R. Martin route in terms of completing the Cullen world (which is to say, maybe she will and maybe she’ll keep her fans hanging on for decades before HBO options it as a series that they ultimately ruin) .

Meyer appears to have set the drafts aside for now, telling the Q&A viewers: “I am not ready to do that right now. I want to do something brand-new. For me, a lot of the joy of writing comes from creating, and I really want to do a new world and new rules and new mythology. Mythology is kind of my thing.”

In the meantime, y’all will just have to make do with Midnight Sun. According to EW, Meyer first teased “Midnight Sun” all the way back in 2008 (which is why This Author thought this book already existed years ago, tbh).

“There is so much more to his side of the story than there is to Bella’s in that first chapter,” Meyer wrote at the time. “His side of Bella’s first day at Forks High School is a hundred times more exciting than her own.”

BY TELL, EDWARD. No word yet on what the yet-to-be-released drafts will be about, or titled. As a retired semi-Twihard myself, re-visiting the wolf pack would be more than okay, just saying.

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