Welcome to a new recap of Station 19 , that show where you start the day thinking you’re going to be constantly worried about becoming a mom that day, and you don’t. Not because it’s positive, but because a pandemic hits you at work! That’s not what Maya and Carina are going to face , but we already knew what we were in for, praying to Shonda Rhimes.
We start the episode sad, because Andy and Ross, as bosses, tell Jack that due to his medical problems, his firefighting career is over . They’re doing it for his own good; it’s clear he’s not physically well and any extra blow could kill him, but that doesn’t mean they won’t break his heart into a thousand pieces, because being a firefighter was his whole life.
Everyone at the station tries to support him. Maya advises him to get a third opinion , but Jack assumes his life has just changed. At least in theory, he knows there’s no need to fight because everyone is looking out for his well-being. There are no bad guys in this movie. So the day at the station continues. Andy calls everyone to give them their daily assignments.
Maya and Carina are going to work together because it’s vaccination day. So there are lines of people waiting to get their shots. Jack is still hanging around and interferes when a girl says she can’t give out her information, that she never gives it out. The new person taking notes doesn’t understand, so Jack goes over to explain that he created a method so people who are hiding from their exes can apply without being in danger. Carina approaches and promises that she’ll make sure no one forgets her method now that she’s leaving.
In the middle of all this, a patient arrives. A girl who’s babysitting for some children was trying to get one of them down from the monkey bars when the little one accidentally kicked her in the face and is now bleeding. Carina examines the wound, and it looks like just a bruise, but since she’s feeling a little dizzy, they’re going to run some tests. She also mentions that she has a burn because she went on vacation and apparently didn’t put on enough sunscreen.
Alice: Nannying is the best contraceptive. I’m never getting one!
Maya: That’s what I was saying.
Andy stops by to tell them that he’s already sent a reference letter to the people in charge of deciding if Maya and Carina can be little Liam’s foster mothers.
Carina: I hope they approve us.
Andy: Of course they will! You two would make great foster mothers.
Maya notices Andy’s acting weird, so she asks what’s wrong, and she confesses that she’s feeling a little down because these are her first moments as captain and she expected Jack to be there. She tells him he’s family. Maya understands, but reminds her that they’re still family to her.
The next thing we see is a patient who asks for Carina alone to see her . So the brunette stops by to see what’s wrong and asks what’s wrong. The woman, who’s with a little girl in a wheelchair, tells her she has a migraine. Carina asks the usual questions and decides to do a scan and give the little girl in the wheelchair a teddy bear.
Carina continues checking on her and the woman asks if she doesn’t remember her, but just then Maya comes in to ask her to go with her because the nanny is getting sicker and needs help.
Carina starts asking her questions and discovers that the girl has been traveling through South Asia, and the more she says things, the more she starts to worry. Until she flat out tells Maya that they have to put on both gowns and wear masks. Carina tells her that she suspects it could be something highly contagious, and that she should calmly ask Herrera to quarantine them all until they understand what the situation is .
Maya runs to Herrera to tell him they might have a patient zero, so Andy orders the place to be closed and masks distributed to everyone. Obviously, the situation provokes fear and anger among everyone there, who don’t understand what’s happening. Especially the woman who went to have Maya’s headache checked. Her daughter is immunocompromised, and she’s afraid she’ll get sick. So they promise to put her in a safe place, alone with her daughter.
Maya and Carina, meanwhile, lock themselves in a room with the patient under tight seal and begin examining her. Andy and Ross are outside talking to the CDC, telling them all the symptoms they’re finding about the girl to try to determine what disease she has. They also tell them what to look for to try to narrow down the options.
The girls find a kind of itchy rash on her chest, and the CDC asks them to check for bites, and yes, they find mosquito-like bites. So, with some more tests, they discover that the girl has dengue fever, so it’s not contagious. Relief for everyone because the second pandemic hasn’t even started yet!
Later, when everything has calmed down, a girl approaches to ask for Carina and hands her some papers announcing that she’s just been sued. Carina is momentarily shocked and opens the envelope to find out what’s going on.
The woman who went with her daughter for a headache is suing her. But not for what happened that day, but because five years earlier, Carina was her doctor at the birth. Maya tries to calm her down and tell her that everything is fine, that they’ll find a way to resolve the situation. Carina is very nervous because she doesn’t understand why they’re suing her. And they are both in that moment of extreme stress when they receive a message.
They have been approved as foster mothers for little Liam!
The two of them go from bad to good nerves in half a second. The demand was immediately forgotten as they both ran out to pick up the little one.
At night, everyone gathers for dinner and to say goodbye to Jack. The girls aren’t there at first because they’re picking up the baby, but once they have him in their hands, they join the little one for the shower.
And so ends episode 3×02 of Station 19. Happy that Maya and Carina are now mothers , but with the underlying trauma of knowing what will happen to Carina and the woman’s lawsuit. See you in the next episode to find out!