Whew, it has been a week of TV! First off, Ryan Wilder and Alex Danvers joined forces on The Flash‘s ARMAGEDDON special in a very Wildmoore episode, which of course Nic and Valerie recapped. The Sex and the City sequel, And Just Like That, dropped and Heather recapped the first two episodes. The Riverdale/Sabrina crossover was as unhinged as we hopped, and Kayla recapped that for you, along with an all-new episode of Yellowjackets. Shelli wrote an extensive review and recap of every episode of 4400 so far (and followed it up below with the next ep!). Shelli also reviewed Nicole Byers’ BBW! Drew wrote a scathing review of We Need to Do Something. She also reviewed Benedetta (and called Paul Verhoeven a prude!), and The Bitch Who Stole Christmas. And finally, Heather reviewed Tello’s Christmas at the Ranch.
+ This week on Home Economics, it’s Christmas time! Sarah and Denise don’t do capitalism because they are once again hippie crunchy lesbian sterotypes and I love that for them. Unfortunately Sarah realizes how much she loves a hugely expensive designer bag, which makes her question her values (don’t worry, it works out), and Denise’s well known altruism means she ends up with zero presents (but all of the kids in her class got their lunch debt paid, honestly? Worth it.). — Carmen
+ Hello! I have watched Arcane! I devoured Arcane! I will write about Arcane! — Valerie Anne
Station 19 507: “A House Is Not a Home”
This week on Station 19 Maya finally has the day off after working a brutal shift (plus everyone is still sad about losing Dean — well, the characters are sad, I’m still pissed as hell that Krista Vernoff decided to kill a Black character and leave his Black daughter without parents when letting be alive and happy in Oakland was a viable option right there in front of us) and she’s heading home to Carina to pick out baby donors.
— Ok I’m going to stop here for one mini second to get my rant out of the way early, because I don’t want to bring us down! There’s a lot of hot sex to be had! But I still hate this plot and I hate that Station 19 is leaning into such an unimaginative trope as when two women get married they automatically have nothing else to talk about except children. It really took a lot of the fun out of last night’s episode for me, see also: my residual anger about the way that Vernoff has ended Okieriete Onaodowan’s time on the show. But I know there’s nothing worse than having to read recaps when the writer isn’t having fun, so I’m working on getting the joy back! I promise! —
Carnia’s decided that picking out a donor can be hot if they let it, so there will candles and dim lights and damn right there will be sex. (Side Note from Natalie: I will say, if Station 19 was going to find a way to placate me about this baby storyline with Maya and Carina, them pledging to have a lot of sex just like straight people do when they’re trying to have a baby is a good way to go about it.)
Laying together naked in bed, the way you do when your blissed out and it feels like time has stopped just for you, Carina and Maya count the things they are grateful for. Maya is grateful for Carina’s freckles — but wait can you be grateful for a body part? Carina doesn’t think so. Instead they’ll be grateful for each other’s health. And Carina will be grateful for multiple orgasms ThankYouEverSoMuch.
Ultimately though, they decide on a few things. Maya realizes to her own horror that she’s going to be the “strict mom” (big duh there Captain Bisexual) and thanks Carina for the most romantic day of her life. She also wants Carnia to carry their future kid — so that she can spend the rest of her life looking at someone with Carina’s eyes, and nose, and jaw.
I still am not excited for this future Marina child, but ok — they got me.