Station 19 Episode 7×03 Recap: The Shocking Twists You Didn’t See Coming!

Welcome to a new episode recap of Station 19. That series is coming to an end and is making us suffer because we need all the Maya and Carina content we can get, and if possible, a little more.

Our episode begins by celebrating LGBTQ Pride Day . I know it’s not June yet, but the series is almost over, so it was time to speed up the timeline. We’re not going to kill them for that. Our favorite firefighters are preparing for two things. First, some of them are going to participate in the parade, and second, others are going to have to deal with possible heatstroke, injuries, and generally any problems that may arise along the way.

Obviously, the show’s lesbian couple is going to be on the runway! Right? Right, Station 19? Nope! No, because the first thing we see is Carina arriving at Bailey and Ben’s house. The Italian woman arrives with a crying baby, disheveled hair, and looking like she hasn’t slept in the last five days.


Bailey: Carina, relax, breathe.
Carina: There’s no time to breathe when things are happening so fast! I feel like one minute I was moving back into our apartment and the next we had a baby, a new house, and now I’m getting sued.

Bailey tries to calm her down a bit and tells her that she and Ben have her covered with the baby essentials . They’ve bought them a couple of things, but they also had some baby things they lost and want them to use. Carina is so grateful for the gesture and asks if she’s completely sure. But the answer is yes, Bailey wants her to have more time for herself, especially for bathing because she has baby spit up in her hair. Yeaks!

At the station, Maya runs up and apologizes to Andy for being a little late. But she had to go pick up the keys to the new house. The good news is that Herrera is a very good boss, and he says it’s okay. He actually apologizes for not giving her time off to get her life together, but with the Jack thing, they’re short on staff and it’s not feasible. Maya tells him it’s okay, but she feels a little guilty about leaving Carina alone with the baby . Andy promises he’ll let her go as soon as he can.

Maya’s turn to march, so the next time we see her, she’s in the middle of the parade, handing out firefighter hats to everyone with a smile the size of the universe.

At least until they run into the typical American anti-gay protest. Yes, there are some very tiresome people in this world. Yes, there are protests all over the world, but in Spain we generally don’t worry if one of them carries an AK45, so here things can get more dangerous, so everyone immediately goes on guard, and that makes the parade not so happy.

Most of them try to get past quickly, but Andy gets into a fight with them. She answers back and starts fighting until Ben arrives to remind her that she’s the boss now and can’t fall in line with the bad guys. Maya is there too, but she stands frozen, watching the protest. It’s clear she’s recognized someone among the people on the other side.

Maya tells Andy she thinks she saw her brother Mason there. Andy tells her it might not be him, and that since the attackers were wearing masks, she can’t be sure. Maya tells her she’s right and tries to put it out of her head.

Meanwhile, Carina remains at Bailey’s house, telling him she doesn’t understand why. She’s cared for thousands of children in her life, delivered hundreds, and she can’t make this little one stay in his crib. But she also tells him it’s strange how you fall in love because she’s already given her whole heart to the baby . He’s everything she’s ever wanted, but she feels like she’s not ready. Bailey, who already has a lot more experience with children, tells her that nothing prepares you for being a mother.

Bailey tells her it’s obvious she’s barely slept. Carina tells her the baby still doesn’t understand the concept of sleep, and that even though Maya helps her as much as she can, when bedtime comes around, all she can think about is the complaint, so she sleeps for zero minutes.

Bailey then orders him in her best boss voice to go to sleep. She reminds him that, as an OB-GYN, she knows that if a mother doesn’t take care of herself, she can’t take care of her baby, so she takes the little one so she can rest.

Back at the parade, a very loud sound suddenly sounds, and everyone freaks out, thinking it’s gunfire. The truth is, it was actually just a car exhaust, but with the demonstration there, everyone freaks out and starts running like crazy. So people fall and get trampled, people panic, etc.

Maya spots some kids fighting with one of the protesters and runs out to break them up. The guy is in bad shape; he’s got blood all over his face, and Maya freaks out because she thinks it’s her brother. But when she takes off his mask, it’s someone else. Maya runs out to get some tools to help him, and on the way, she runs into her brother, who was at the protest, and runs away when he sees her.

In the end, they manage to save his life, and Andy says out loud that next time he’ll think twice before upsetting other people with his anger. But Maya can only feel sad and think that the boy could be her brother.

With the little one asleep, Carina and Bailey discuss the lawsuit. Bailey tells her that she’s also been sued, but everything went well. It turns out that Carina isn’t entirely sure she did everything correctly because the surgery was very complicated. So Bailey decides they’ll review everything, but from the nurses’ point of view. And they go through the entire surgery step by step, and everything is correct. In short, Carina didn’t do anything wrong.

Carina cries and tells Bailey she’s still sorry because she doesn’t understand why she’s being sued for doing things right. Bailey explains that sometimes it’s the only option people like her patient have to raise money for their children and afford treatment.

Back at the station, everyone is depressed about what happened and Maya opens up to her colleagues.

Maya: My brother was one of the protesters.
Andy: You’re not sure about that.
Maya: Yes, I am. I saw him without the mask. And maybe I shouldn’t be surprised given the way we’ve been raised. But seeing him like this, as one of them… I don’t know…
Andy: Go home. Go to your wife and your baby. That’s an order.

Maya was going to pick up her things, but Travis offers to pick it up for her so she can leave faster, and the blonde runs out of the place.

The last thing we see is Maya and Carina together at home, staring at the baby’s crib. Honestly, for the final episode of the series’ Pride Parade, I’m sad that the lesbian couple never appeared together in the plot. But above all, that everything was emphasizing the bad things we sometimes have to go through. Yes, they’re also important, but it’s one of the last episodes of the series. A little happiness isn’t going to kill us.

Anyway, see you in the next episode of Station 19.

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