‘Star Wars: The Bad Batch’: Here’s How Omega Is Connected to Project Necromancer

Today marked the premiere of Season 3 of ‘The Bad Batch,’ featuring three episodes. Two of these episodes centered around Omega and her time in captivity at Mount Tantiss, where Imperial Scientist Hemlock closely monitored her. In the third episode, Nala Se urges Omega to escape immediately, even with Palpatine visiting the research station to evaluate the progress of Project Necromancer. But what is Project Necromancer, and how does it relate to Omega?

project necromancer

Project Necromancer is the same project that Commandant Hux will oversee
Project Necromancer was mentioned in ‘The Mandalorian’ for the first time in Season 3, Episode 7. Moff Gideon discussed the Empire’s future plans with the Shadow Council, including ways to ensure longevity. He spoke with Commandant Hux about Project Necromancer, which Hux oversaw.

While not confirmed, it’s likely that Project Necromancer is the same secret cloning project responsible for Palpatine’s return in the sequel trilogy and his numerous clones. Palpatine sought eternal life to maintain his power, creating imperfect clones, some of which produced offspring like Rey. However, despite coming close to achieving immortality, Palpatine returned weaker each time. While we understand Project Necromancer, its connection to Omega remains unknown.

What makes Omega special?
Omega is an exceptionally unique clone. She was taken to Hemlock’s hidden lab at Mount Tantiss to serve as leverage over Nala Se. Each morning, Omega would be called from her quarters to help Emerie collect blood samples. Emerie would draw Omega’s blood, and Omega would then deliver the tray of blood to Nala Se. Subsequently, Nala Se would dispose of Omega’s blood sample by incinerating it.

One morning, while Nala Se was absent from her usual tasks, she anticipated that Emerie’s test of Omega’s blood sample would show positive results for M-Cell replication without sample degradation. This was a crucial discovery that both she and Hemlock had been seeking through their experiments on various clones. In simpler terms, Omega turned out to be the perfect clone for Hemlock’s needs. But why?

Omega was an unaltered yet enhanced, Force-sensitive female clone crafted from the genetic material of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. This makes Omega perhaps the most exceptional clone ever created. Not only is she female and Force-sensitive, but she was originally intended to be a pure genetic duplicate of Fett. While the reasons behind these traits remain unknown, it appears that they are integral to Nala Se’s and Hemlock’s research and vital for advancing the Empire’s clandestine cloning project.

Nala Se understood that once Hemlock found out about Omega’s unique qualities, her life would be in danger. Hemlock would probably drain her and kill her to make sure the Empire had all her genetic material for Project Necromancer.

The discovery will have serious consequences for Nala Se
We know that Nala Se was actively undermining Project Necromancer by never checking Omega’s blood for its positive properties. The only day she wasn’t in the lab, when Palpatine visited Tantiss, was the day Omega’s blood tested positive.

Since Emerie Karr drew Omega’s blood every day and it always showed as “negative,” Emerie is the first witness that Nala Se was sabotaging the whole project. It’s likely that Nala Se had already tested Omega’s blood and knew the results but kept them hidden intentionally. In any case, Nala Se was deliberately delaying the Empire and aiding Omega.

Now that Omega has escaped, Hemlock will soon realize that Nala Se was destroying Omega’s samples. She’s in big trouble, and we’re eager to see how it all unfolds.

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