Star Wars: The Bad Batch Character Ages, Height, Race & More

Hunter was a clone trooper and leader of Clone Unit 99, also known as the Bad Batch, a group of experimental clones with special abilities. His special ability were his strong sensory perceptions, so he could track down a comm station from anywhere on the planet due to its electromagnetic frequencies. Along with his brothers, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair, he took part in numerous missions, including the Battle of Anaxes and rescuing Echo from the hands of the Separatist Alliance.

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As the leader of the Bad Batch, Hunter played a mediating role both between the members of the unit and between them and outsiders. The genetic modification provided him with highly developed sensory perceptions. For example, he could track down a comm station based on its electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on the planet it was on. He had no direct superior, which gave him and the unit great freedom in their tactics and the execution of their missions. He was also the only clone trooper whose commands the members of the unit readily obeyed.

CT-21-0408 was a clone trooper nicknamed Echo for his ability to repeat commands verbatim. During his training on Kamino, disputes arose in his cadet unit, which meant that the unit’s clones only managed to overcome their problems and pass the tests together after a retest. Instead of being sent to the front, in 22 BBY, the soldiers were transferred to the Rishi Outpost, which was the key to Kamino. When the station was infiltrated by commando droids during an attack on the clone homeworld to prevent notification to the Republic fleet, the surviving soldiers, with the help of two officers, were able to destroy the station and warn the Republic of the threat.

Shand and Omega

Echo and Fives, the sole survivors of the attack, later joined the defense of their homeworld of Kamino. Echo and Fives later belonged to a small task force tasked with rescuing the captured Jedi Master Even Piell from the Citadel, a high-security Separatist prison. However, while trying to escape, Echo was caught in an explosion. Thought dead by the Republic, Echo actually came out alive but was held captive on Skako Minor by the Techno-Union to help them decipher Republic tactics. There he was freed by Anakin Skywalker, Rex, and Clone Unit 99. After the Battle of Anaxes, he joined this unit of experimental clone troopers.

Tech was a clone trooper belonging to clone unit 99, also known as the Bad Batch, a group of experimental clones with special abilities. His special ability was his enormous knowledge in dealing with technical devices and his scientific knowledge. In these areas, he surpassed living beings as well as machines and droids.

It was thus possible for him to calculate trajectories in fractions of a second or to penetrate enemy computers and systems in a short time. He was very entertaining and liked to share his knowledge with others. Along with his brothers Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair, he took part in numerous missions, including the Battle of Anaxes and rescuing Echo from the Separatist Alliance.

Wrecker was a clone trooper belonging to clone unit 99, also known as the Bad Batch. His special ability was his enormous strength, which allowed him to lift a gunboat alone and all that completely alone, with his own hands. He greatly enjoyed destruction and explosions, especially when it came to fighting battle droids. Along with his brothers Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair, he took part in numerous missions, including the Battle of Anaxes and rescuing Echo from the hands of the Separatist Alliance.

CT-9904, whose nickname was Crosshair, was a clone trooper belonging to Clone Unit 99, also known as Bad Batch; the group was known for their special abilities. He was the unit’s sniper and due to his genetic enhancements, he was able to hit just about any target. He was very taciturn but made no secret of the fact that he didn’t like working with so-called “regs”, which was short for regular clones within the unit. Along with his brothers Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech, he took part in numerous missions, including the Battle of Anaxes and rescuing Echo from the hands of the Separatist Alliance.

Omega was a human child and a specially modified clone who lived in the early days of the Galactic Empire. She was born in Kamino and served as Nala Se’s medical assistant there. When Clone Unit 99 traveled to the cloning factory on Kamino, they met Omega, who became attached to the altered clones. Realizing that Omega was an altered clone like her, the clone unit returned to Kamino to take the girl with them. Always on the run from the Empire, she accompanied the unit on many missions, some of which equipped her with a bow capable of firing energy projectiles.

During the Clone Wars, Nala Se was a physician from Kamino who worked at Kaliida Medical Center and Ord Cestus Medical Center. She worked to help injured clone troopers get better. The Grand Army of the Republic was founded by Nala Se on Kamino, and she was aware that each of the clones had an inhibitor chip placed as protection against renegade Jedi.

She was working at the Kaliida Medical Center during the early days of the Clone Wars when Admiral Wullf Yularen informed her that the droid General Grievous was on his way with his flagship, the Malevolence, and was preparing to destroy it. She should start evacuating the hurt clone troops right away, Yularen said.

Rampart was a Vice Admiral of the Galactic Empire. Not long after the introduction of the New Order, a holographic speech was broadcast from Rampart to Saleucami. In it, he announced that any Imperial citizen who would register a personal identification code would receive new Imperial credits in exchange for old, invalidated currency. He justified this offer with the concern of the empire for its citizens. Rather, Rampart gave his listeners hope that with the war’s end, the peace that was coming would offer opportunities for prosperity for everyone.

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During the Clone Wars, Lama Su served as the planet Kamino’s prime minister. He worked covertly with the Sith Lord Order and oversaw the cloning program that produced the Grand Army of the Republic. He collaborated closely with the Jedi Master Shaak Ti during the conflict but remained devoted to the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, who had directed the implantation of an inhibitor chip in the clones on behalf of his master.

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Before the Clone Wars, Lama Su agreed to Sifo-Dyas’ request to build a sizable army of clones for the Republic. After identifying Jango Fett as a potential DNA donor for the said army, Lama Su agreed to the Sith Lord Dooku’s request to employ an organic-based inhibitor chip to implant Cloning Protocol 66 into all clones. This should lead to the clone troopers blindly following the Sith Lord’s orders at a specific moment.

Cid was a Trandoshan informant of the Jedi who lived on Ord Mantell. Cid ran Cid’s Parlor, a bar, and a gambling den on Ord Mantell. Cid was considered a reliable informant by the Jedi, and in that regard, the Bad Batch sought her out after the fall of the Republic. Cid agreed to help the Bad Batch, but in return, they had to free Muchi from the hands of a group of Zygerrians. That eventually worked out and Muchi was handed over to Bib Fortuna. Cid gave the Bad Batch 30% of the bounty and offered them information about Fennec Shand, even though she didn’t know who hired Shand.

AZ-345211896246498721347, AZI-3 for short, was a surgical assistant droid that worked on Kamino during the Clone Wars. AZI-3 took care of the clones at the Tipoca City production center under the supervision of the Kaminoans. AZI-3 had to analyze Fives on Kamino in response to Clone Trooper Tup’s strange behavior. However, Fives didn’t want Nala to sacrifice Se Tup to see what was wrong with him. The rather naive AZI-3 was persuaded by Fives to help him and save the life of the patient Tup.

First, AZI-3 decided to take a brain scan from Tup which showed that the Clone Trooper was definitely not well and had some kind of tumor in his brain. AZI-3 decided to operate on Tup and during that dangerous operation, the droid was able to remove the tumor. Tup didn’t survive the operation, but Fives was now more sure than ever that something wasn’t right.

Wilhuff Tarkin was a Grand Moff within the Galactic Empire. A former officer during the Clone Wars, Tarkin remained true to Palpatine’s ideals and rose to prominence as one of the governors of the Outer Rim. After his promotion to Grand Moff in 14 BBY, he became feared throughout the Galaxy, ans also one of the most powerful individuals in the whole Empire. He was the main responsible for the Death Star project, and when the station was finally operational, he personally ordered the destruction of Alderaan. After that, Tarkin himself was – ironically – blown up along with the Death Star at Yavin during an attack by Rebel Alliance.

Phee Genoa is a new character to be introduced in the show’s second season. At the time of the Galactic Empire, Phee Genoa sought Cid’s help to hire the Bad Batch. Not much is known about her aside from what we’ve seen in the trailer.

CT-7567, whose nickname was Rex, was a major ARC Clone Trooper Captain during the Clone Wars who fought alongside Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano during some major battles. In the final hours of the Clone Wars, Rex was given the title of Commander and led the 332nd Company on Mandalore with Ahsoka. Rex is one of a small number of clone troopers that lived through the Clone Wars and prevented Order 66 from being carried out on him. After that, he became one of the first fighters of the Rebel Alliance.

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Petro was a Corellian Youngling during the Clone Wars. Along with five other Younglings, he was assisted by Ahsoka Tano in completing the Gathering. Petro was brave, and stubborn and acted as the leader of the Younglings. In Ilum’s Crystal Cave, Petro immediately went his own way and let the other Younglings have their way. Petro found his crystal very quickly, but when he left the cave, it turned out that he had taken an ice crystal with him. Petro had to search for a crystal again as time ran out and the entrance began to freeze.

Katooni asked Petro for help when she was closed in behind an ice wall, but Petro wanted to get his crystal. However, he realized that Katooni was more important and together they could break the ice. After that happened, Petro noticed a crystal among the debris. At the moment that Petro wanted to return, the cave was frozen over, but he used the Force to penetrate the ice. After all, Yoda had tricked the Younglings into thinking they would be locked up. Petro had learned during the mission to help others.

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After the Gathering was successful, training continued aboard the Crucible under the direction of Professor Huyang. Huyang showed the Younglings the countless models of lightsabers and asked them to visualize their model so they could begin building it. Petro was the first to finish his saber, but when Huyang came to inspect the weapon, the Droid noticed that the emitter matrix had been reversed. Such a weapon could have very dire consequences for its user. However, the training was disrupted by the attack of Hondo Ohnaka and his gang.

Gungi was a Wookiee Youngling during the Clone Wars. Along with the other five Younglings, he was assisted by Ahsoka Tano and Yoda in completing various missions. Gungi was confident, but also impatient. Along with Ganodi, Gungi followed his way into Ilum’s Crystal Cave. There he saw a crystal that was located on the opposite side of a frozen lake. The ice was too thin to support his weight, so Ganodi advised him to wait until the sun had left the cave and the ice froze again. Gungi went to meditate and was able to take his crystal.

After the Gathering was successful, training continued aboard the Crucible under the direction of Professor Huyang. Huyang showed the Younglings the countless models of lightsabers and asked them to visualize their model so they could begin building it. Gungi envisioned a Lightsaber built around a wooden handle. However, construction was disrupted by the attack of Hondo Ohnaka and his gang.

Fennec Shand was a notorious Assassin who had been active since just after the Clone Wars. In 9 ABY, she was left for dead on Tatooine, but she was found by Boba Fett with whom she formed a close bond afterward. Fennec Shand was already active when the Galactic Empire was founded by Palpatine. Shand was a master marksman and had earned a reputation as a hitman and mercenary with the biggest crime groups, including the Hutts. Not long after the Galactic Empire had been established, Fennec tried to get Omega on Pantora, but the other members of the Bad Batch outsmarted her.

Cad Bane was an infamous Duros Bounty Hunter who worked around the Galaxy during the Clone Wars and completed missions for the client who offered him the most. During that same period of time, Bane was hired by Darth Sidious and by the Hutts.

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