Star chef Gordon Ramsay almost drowned while filming

He is hunting endangered birds in Iceland to eat their hearts.

The life of Gordon Ramsay, known from Hell’s Kitchen, probably makes many people jealous. The star chef with a brash style has succeeded in his profession and is (re)recognized around the world. However, a press release on the occasion of his 55th birthday revealed that he had to overcome many ups and downs to achieve this result.

It wasn’t easy for him growing up with an alcoholic father, but he quickly closed that part of his life and didn’t even care about it anymore, he tried to forget about it. However, his younger brother Ronnie is addicted to drugs, perhaps also due to childhood trauma.

Gordon’s adult life was smoother, and in 1996 he married Cayetana Hutchenson, with whom he had five children. This woman has also published quite a few successful cookbooks under the name Tana Ramsay, so they complement each other well in this regard.

Gordon Ramsay Thought He Was A 'Goner' After A Near Death Experience

You might think that the daily life of a Scottish star chef isn’t full of dangerous situations, but Gordon has encountered a few shocking ones during his constant travels around the world. . In 2008, he almost lost his life during a crazy expedition.

He was hunting puffins in Iceland (this is a cute bird with an orange beak) and that’s when he fell off a 25 meter high cliff. Luckily he fell into the water, if bathing in ice water could be called lucky.

“I thought I was dead. While in the water, all I could think about was Tana and the kids. It wasn’t until I flew home that I realized how close I was to death.”

– recalls the terrible memories of Gordon, who sank for about 45 seconds in the freezing water. He took off his heavy hiking boots and waterproof clothing so crew members were able to pull him out with a rope.

Of course, the star chef panicked after the fall, which is why some water got into his lungs. He floated to the surface of the water dizzy, his head feeling extremely heavy. The joke in the whole thing was that the public later scolded him for eating puff pastry for lunch.

He ate the exact hearts of birds, which some viewers found disgusting, if only because puffins are an endangered animal. The show’s producers eventually clarified with the chef saying that these chickens are also considered a popular delicacy in Iceland.

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