SEAL Team Ignored The Perfect Way To Keep Clay Alive For Season 7 (Despite Max Thieriot’s Exit)
The world of SEAL Team has been a rollercoaster of emotions for fans, especially after Max Thieriot’s character, Clay Spenser, was written out in Season 7. While his departure left a massive hole in the series, many viewers believe that the show missed a golden opportunity to keep Clay alive, and they’ve been vocal about it. Why did Clay have to die? Could the writers have found a better way to send off the character, especially considering Thieriot’s exit from the show? In this article, we’ll explore how SEAL Team could have handled Clay’s storyline differently and why his death was perhaps a missed opportunity for the series.
Max Thieriot’s Exit: A Huge Turning Point for SEAL Team
Max Thieriot’s departure from SEAL Team shocked fans everywhere. After years of playing Clay Spenser, the character who was the heart and soul of the show, Thieriot decided to leave the series. But his exit didn’t just mark the end of an era for SEAL Team — it also led to a significant turning point in the storyline. The writers faced a difficult decision: how do you write out one of your most beloved characters in a way that feels true to the series while still honoring his legacy?
Clay’s death, though a powerful moment for the show, left many viewers wondering if it was really necessary. Was this the only way to handle his departure, or did the writers overlook a better way to keep Clay alive? Let’s take a deeper dive into how SEAL Team could have preserved Clay’s character without sacrificing the emotional impact of his exit.
Could Clay Have Survived Season 7? Exploring the Possibilities
For many fans, Clay’s death felt like a gut punch. The character had been through so much, from battling his inner demons to facing life-or-death situations on the front lines. His journey was far from over, and his character still had so much potential for growth. So, why did the writers choose to kill him off?
Let’s consider how Clay could have been kept alive for Season 7:
1. Clay’s Legacy: A New Path Beyond the Battlefield
Instead of ending his life on the battlefield, why not shift Clay’s focus from combat to a different kind of service? A compelling storyline could have involved Clay transitioning to a role that still allowed him to contribute to the SEAL community, but in a different capacity. Perhaps he could have become a mentor to younger SEALs, or even a leader training the next generation of elite soldiers. This would not only give Clay a new purpose but would also allow for his continued presence on the show.
2. A Close Call: The ‘Fake-Out’ Death Twist
One of the oldest tricks in TV is the “fake-out” death. Could SEAL Team have pulled a similar move? What if Clay had been critically injured during a mission but survived, only to return later in the season? This would have given fans the emotional rollercoaster of fearing for his life without actually taking him out permanently. It could have created some intense storylines and kept the emotional stakes high.
3. A New Chapter: Clay’s Family Life
Another way to keep Clay alive would have been to focus more on his personal life. Clay’s relationship with Stella and their growing family was an important aspect of his character development. Instead of ending his life in the field, the show could have explored a story where Clay’s focus shifts to his wife and child, balancing his family responsibilities with his military background. A shift to a less front-line role might have worked perfectly for Clay, allowing his character to evolve in a more nuanced way.
Max Thieriot’s Transition to Directing: A Possible Influence on Clay’s Exit?
Another interesting aspect of Thieriot’s exit is his transition into directing. Thieriot had taken on more behind-the-scenes work as a director in recent seasons, and his growing interest in this role could have influenced the way his character was written out. Perhaps Thieriot’s departure from acting on the show allowed him to focus more on his passion for directing, but was it also a reason for Clay’s death? Could the writers have found a way to balance Thieriot’s ambitions with the ongoing story of Clay?
It’s possible that Thieriot’s desire to expand his career contributed to the decision to write Clay off the show. However, this doesn’t mean the character had to be killed off in such a dramatic fashion. A different storyline could have allowed Clay to transition out of the action without losing the emotional connection with fans.
The Emotional Impact of Clay’s Death: Was It Necessary?
The death of Clay Spenser served as an emotional high point for SEAL Team in Season 7. His sacrifice resonated deeply with fans, as Clay was seen as the quintessential SEAL – dedicated, brave, and willing to give his life for his country. While this death undoubtedly created powerful moments for the show, it also raised questions: Was it really necessary for the character to die?
Killing off Clay was a way to provide closure for his arc, but it also marked the end of a chapter that many fans weren’t ready to say goodbye to. Could Clay have gone out in a way that wasn’t so final? The emotional impact of his death could have been just as strong if it had been handled differently, perhaps with a less permanent solution that allowed the character to live on in some capacity.
Fan Reactions: How Viewers Felt About Clay’s Exit
As expected, Clay’s death sparked a massive outpouring of emotions from fans. Some understood the need for dramatic storytelling and accepted that Clay’s death was part of the natural progression of the show. Others, however, felt that the writers had taken the easy way out by killing off a beloved character rather than finding a more creative solution.
The fanbase was divided: many expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision, suggesting that the show could have explored other avenues to keep Clay alive. Others, however, appreciated the emotional weight of the storyline and understood the need for a powerful exit. Despite the differing opinions, it’s clear that Clay’s death was one of the most controversial moments in SEAL Team history.
What Could Have Been: The Missed Opportunity for Clay’s Character
The central issue with Clay’s death is not just that it was emotional—it was that it felt like a missed opportunity. Clay was a character who had so much potential for growth, and his death left a void that’s hard to fill. With his evolving relationship with Stella, his growing role as a father, and his internal struggles with the demands of his job, there were so many directions the writers could have taken him.
In hindsight, there were plenty of ways for SEAL Team to have kept Clay alive, each providing a different, but equally powerful narrative. The show had the opportunity to explore Clay’s transformation, perhaps by changing his role within the SEAL Team, or even having him exit the military to embark on a new chapter. Instead, the writers chose to take the more dramatic route, ultimately severing his story arc in a way that left fans wanting more.
Looking Ahead: What’s Next for SEAL Team Without Clay?
With Clay gone, SEAL Team has entered a new phase. The departure of such a central character raises questions about the future direction of the show. How will the remaining team members cope with the loss? And what will the dynamic be like without Clay’s presence to balance out the group?
While it’s clear that SEAL Team will continue to thrive in its storytelling, the absence of Clay will undoubtedly be felt. The writers will need to step up their game to fill the emotional gap left by Max Thieriot’s character.
Conclusion: A Missed Opportunity for Clay’s Survival
While SEAL Team made the decision to kill off Clay Spenser in Season 7, many fans believe it was a missed opportunity. From a potential shift to a leadership role within the team to exploring his personal life with Stella and their child, there were countless ways Clay’s character could have been kept alive. Thieriot’s exit, though a pivotal moment for the actor’s career, didn’t have to end in such a permanent way for the character. As fans continue to reflect on the decision, one thing is clear: Clay’s death was a loss—not just for the team, but for the viewers who had grown attached to his journey.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Why did Max Thieriot leave SEAL Team?
Max Thieriot decided to leave SEAL Team to pursue other projects, including his passion for directing. His departure was a personal decision, though it had a significant impact on the show and its storyline.
2. Could Clay have survived Season 7?
Yes, there were several ways the writers could have kept Clay alive. From transitioning his role within the SEAL Team to focusing on his personal life, there were alternative storylines that would have allowed Clay to live on.
3. How did fans react to Clay’s death?
Fans had mixed reactions to Clay’s death. Some appreciated the emotional impact, while others felt it was unnecessary and that the character still had more potential to offer.
4. Will SEAL Team continue after Clay’s departure?
Yes, SEAL Team will continue, though Clay’s absence will undoubtedly affect the dynamics of the team. The writers will need to adjust the storyline to fill the emotional gap left by his character.
5. What is next for Max Thieriot after SEAL Team?
Max Thieriot is focusing on his career as a director and exploring new acting opportunities. His decision to leave SEAL Team has allowed him to expand his horizons in the entertainment industry.