SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 9 Ending Explained

SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 9 Ending Explained

After a close call in the previous episode, Bravo is still willing to risk it all on SEAL Team season 7, episode 9. David Borenanaz’s Jason Hayes is desperate to capture Ramon Nazario and put an end to the fentanyl drug trade between the former Honduran Special Forces colonel and China. While Bravo is also invested in the mission, Jason has a personal connection after his son, Mikey, overdosed on fentanyl in SEAL Team season 7, episode 6. Luckily, rather than continue to keep this secret from his team, Jason tells Bravo about Mikey.

Despite knowing that this mission is personal to Jason, the rest of Bravo is ready to go into the fire in the penultimate episode of SEAL Team season 7 on Paramount+. In episode 8, the SEAL operation goes wrong. They are approaching Nazario’s camp when they spot Ross Curtis, an American citizen. Just as they were about to retreat, Bravo was compromised and had to leave with guns blazing. All the men returned to the boat unharmed, but they had risked their lives. Now, Bravo had to recover and begin a new mission in episode 9. After a few dangerous operations, Bravo finally captured Nazario at the end of SEAL Team season 7, episode 9. However, getting there was not easy. First, Jason and his men infiltrated Nazario’s yacht, but he was not on it and it was rigged to explode. Thanks to Drew Franklin, the SEALs survived (although Jason barely escaped before it exploded because he went back to get the boat’s GPS). The GPS tracker showed the yacht’s most frequent location (Nazario’s hometown) and Bravo suited up a second time to go after Nazario.

Bravo attempts to find Nazario in his hometown, but the people there protect him, and he escapes again. Unfortunately, the SEALs miss him. Fortunately, Lisa Davis locates Nazario’s SUV, and Bravo resumes the pursuit. At the end of SEAL Team season 7, episode 9, “The Sea and the Hills,” Jason and Drew embark on another mission while Ray, Omar, Sonny, Trent, and Brock pursue Nazario.

Sonny, Brock, and Trent serve as the ground team, while Ray and Omar take to the skies. From their vehicles, Sonny, Brock, and Trent are able to eliminate two vehicles in Nazario’s convoy, while Ray and Omar take out an RPG and a truck from their helicopter. Only the SUV carrying Nazario remains. Ray and Omar shoot the engine, causing the vehicle to crash. Bravo then kills all of Nazario’s security guards and captures Nazario, taking him to a U.S. prison as SEAL Team season 7, episode 9 ends.

Ray, Omar, Sonny, Brock, and Trent are able to handle Nazario’s capture on their own while Drew and Jason embark on a dangerous mission in SEAL Team season 7, episode 9. Jason receives a call from HQ and is ordered to track down a U.S. citizen — Ross Curtis. It doesn’t take long for Drew to convince Jason to come along, and the two begin their treacherous journey.

One might think that the rest of Bravo’s mission to capture Nazario is riskier. However, Curtis is a Green Beret (i.e., he was in the U.S. Army’s Special Forces), and it would be much harder for Jason and Drew to get to Curtis than it would be for Bravo to take down Nazario. Plus, HQ orders Jason to assassinate Curtis rather than capture him. So, as the SEAL Team series finale approaches, Jason and Drew will be separated from the rest of Bravo as they hunt for Curtis.

At the beginning of “The Sea and the Hills,” Bravo discovers that Curtis went to Nazario’s camp on his own accord. He wasn’t sent by the DEA as an informant or any other U.S. government agency, meaning Curtis was a trainer for the United States. Davis learns that, while he was in the U.S. Army Special Forces, Curtis was in Honduras in 2004 training Honduran soldiers, including Nazario. Of course, this news comes as a shock and leaves the Bravo team in SEAL Team season 7, episode 9 furious. As Jason points out, Curtis was so tainted by war that he couldn’t escape it.

Ray deduces that Curtis was the one who introduced Jun Yilin to Nazario, starting their partnership on the fentanyl drug trade. Curtis is definitely in it for the money, with no regard for what happens to American citizens. As Jason points out, Curtis has been so tainted by war that he can’t escape it. Sadly, Curtis’ fate is exactly what Jason has and will experience in SEAL Team. He worries that war is all he is and will ever be. Hopefully, seeing what war has done to Curtis will help Jason wake up and realize that he can be better.

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